diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 58b79e17f..8165fa73f 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1092,6 +1092,20 @@ ansible_batcher_deploy: ## Deploy the Batcher. Parameters: INVENTORY, KEYSTORE
-e "keystore_path=$(KEYSTORE)"
+ansible_aggregator_create_env: ## Create empty variables files for the Aggregator deploy
+ @cp -n infra/ansible/playbooks/ini/config-aggregator.ini.example infra/ansible/playbooks/ini/config-aggregator.ini
+ @echo "Config files for the Aggregator created in infra/ansible/playbooks/ini"
+ @echo "Please complete the values and run make ansible_aggregator_deploy"
+ansible_aggregator_deploy: ## Deploy the Operator. Parameters: INVENTORY
+ @if [ -z "$(INVENTORY)" ] || [ -z "$(ECDSA_KEYSTORE)" ] || [ -z "$(BLS_KEYSTORE)" ]; then \
+ echo "Error: INVENTORY, ECDSA_KEYSTORE, BLS_KEYSTORE must be set."; \
+ exit 1; \
+ fi
+ @ansible-playbook infra/ansible/playbooks/aggregator.yaml \
+ -i $(INVENTORY) \
+ -e "ecdsa_keystore_path=$(ECDSA_KEYSTORE)" \
+ -e "bls_keystore_path=$(BLS_KEYSTORE)"
ansible_operator_create_env: ## Create empty variables files for the Operator deploy
@cp -n infra/ansible/playbooks/ini/config-operator.ini.example infra/ansible/playbooks/ini/config-operator.ini
diff --git a/infra/ansible/README.md b/infra/ansible/README.md
index b3e59ac01..806b3fe90 100644
--- a/infra/ansible/README.md
+++ b/infra/ansible/README.md
@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ make ansible_batcher_deploy INVENTORY= KEYSTORE= [!CAUTION]
> To register the Operator in Aligned successfully, you need to have been whitelisted by the Aligned team previously.
To deploy the Operator you need to set some variables and then run the Operator playbook.
Create the variables files:
@@ -86,18 +85,17 @@ This will create the following files in `infra/ansible/playbooks/ini`:
The `config-register-operator.ini` contains the variables to register the Operator in EigenLayer:
-| Variable | Description | Stage | Testnet | Mainnet |
-| address | ECDSA address of the Operator | | | |
-| metadata_url | Operator Metadata. You can create one following this [guide](https://docs.eigenlayer.xyz/eigenlayer/operator-guides/operator-installation#operator-configuration-and-registration) | | | |
-| el_delegation_manager_address | Delegation Manager Address | `0xA44151489861Fe9e3055d95adC98FbD462B948e7` | `0xA44151489861Fe9e3055d95adC98FbD462B948e7` | TBD |
-| eth_rpc_url | HTTP RPC url | `https://ethereum-holesky-rpc.publicnode.com` | `https://ethereum-holesky-rpc.publicnode.com` | `https://ethereum-rpc.publicnode.com` |
-| private_key_store_path | Path to the ECDSA keystore in the Operator host | `/home/app/.keystores/operator.ecdsa` | `/home/app/.keystores/operator.ecdsa` | `/home/app/.keystores/operator.ecdsa` |
-| private_key_store_password | Password of the ECDSA keystore | | | |
-| chain_id | Chain ID | 17000 | 17000 | 1 |
-| weth_address | Address of wETH token | [0x94373a4919B3240D86eA41593D5eBa789FEF3848](https://holesky.etherscan.io/address/0x94373a4919B3240D86eA41593D5eBa789FEF3848) | [0x94373a4919B3240D86eA41593D5eBa789FEF3848](https://holesky.etherscan.io/address/0x94373a4919B3240D86eA41593D5eBa789FEF3848) | TBD |
-| weth_strategy_address | Address of wETH token strategy | [0x80528D6e9A2BAbFc766965E0E26d5aB08D9CFaF9](https://holesky.eigenlayer.xyz/restake/WETH) | [0x80528D6e9A2BAbFc766965E0E26d5aB08D9CFaF9](https://holesky.eigenlayer.xyz/restake/WETH) | TBD |
+| Variable | Description | Stage | Testnet | Mainnet |
+| address | ECDSA address of the Operator | | | |
+| metadata_url | Operator Metadata. You can create one following this [guide](https://docs.eigenlayer.xyz/eigenlayer/operator-guides/operator-installation#operator-configuration-and-registration) | | | |
+| el_delegation_manager_address | Delegation Manager Address | `0xA44151489861Fe9e3055d95adC98FbD462B948e7` | `0xA44151489861Fe9e3055d95adC98FbD462B948e7` | TBD |
+| eth_rpc_url | HTTP RPC url | `https://ethereum-holesky-rpc.publicnode.com` | `https://ethereum-holesky-rpc.publicnode.com` | `https://ethereum-rpc.publicnode.com` |
+| private_key_store_path | Path to the ECDSA keystore in the Operator host | `/home/app/.keystores/operator.ecdsa` | `/home/app/.keystores/operator.ecdsa` | `/home/app/.keystores/operator.ecdsa` |
+| private_key_store_password | Password of the ECDSA keystore | | | |
+| chain_id | Chain ID | 17000 | 17000 | 1 |
+| weth_address | Address of wETH token | [0x94373a4919B3240D86eA41593D5eBa789FEF3848](https://holesky.etherscan.io/address/0x94373a4919B3240D86eA41593D5eBa789FEF3848) | [0x94373a4919B3240D86eA41593D5eBa789FEF3848](https://holesky.etherscan.io/address/0x94373a4919B3240D86eA41593D5eBa789FEF3848) | TBD |
+| weth_strategy_address | Address of wETH token strategy | [0x80528D6e9A2BAbFc766965E0E26d5aB08D9CFaF9](https://holesky.eigenlayer.xyz/restake/WETH) | [0x80528D6e9A2BAbFc766965E0E26d5aB08D9CFaF9](https://holesky.eigenlayer.xyz/restake/WETH) | TBD |
The `config-operator.ini` contains the variables to run the Operator in Aligned:
@@ -121,17 +119,53 @@ The `config-operator.ini` contains the variables to run the Operator in Aligned:
| metrics_ip_port_address | Where to expose prometheus metrics if enabled | `localhost:9092` | `localhost:9092` | `localhost:9092` |
| last_processed_batch_filepath | Where to store the last processed batch for system recovery | `/home/app/operator.last_processed_batch.json` | `/home/app/operator.last_processed_batch.json` | `/home/app/operator.last_processed_batch.json` |
Deploy the Operator:
make ansible_operator_deploy INVENTORY= ECDSA_KEYSTORE= BLS_KEYSTORE=
+## Aggregator
+> You need to have previously created an ECDSA keystore with at least 1ETH and a BLS keystore.
+> You can create keystore following this [guide](#How-to-Create-Keystores)
+To deploy the Aggregator you need to set some variables and then run the Aggregator playbook
+This will create the following file in `infra/ansible/playbooks/ini`:
+make ansible_aggregator_create_env
+- `config-aggregator.ini`
+The `config-aggregator.ini` contains the variables to run the Operator in Aligned:
+| Variable | Description | Stage | Testnet | Mainnet |
+| aligned_layer_deployment_config_file_path | JSON with Aligned contracts addresses | `/home/app/repos/aggregator/aligned_layer/contracts/script/output/holesky/alignedlayer_deployment_output.stage.json` | `/home/app/repos/aggregator/aligned_layer/contracts/script/output/holesky/alignedlayer_deployment_output.json` | TBD |
+| eigen_layer_deployment_config_file_path | JSON with EigenLayer contracts addresses | `/home/app/repos/aggregator/aligned_layer/contracts/script/output/holesky/eigenlayer_deployment_output.json` | `/home/app/repos/aggregator/aligned_layer/contracts/script/output/holesky/eigenlayer_deployment_output.json` | TBD |
+| eth_rpc_url | HTTP RPC url | | | |
+| eth_rpc_url_fallback | HTTP RPC fallback url. Must be different than `eth_rpc_url` | `https://ethereum-holesky-rpc.publicnode.com` | `https://ethereum-holesky-rpc.publicnode.com` | `https://ethereum-rpc.publicnode.com` |
+| eth_ws_url | WS RPC url | | your_rpc_ws_provider> | |
+| eth_ws_url_fallback | WS RPC fallback url. Must be different than `eth_ws_rpc_url` | `wss://ethereum-holesky-rpc.publicnode.com` | `wss://ethereum-holesky-rpc.publicnode.com` | `wss://ethereum-rpc.publicnode.com` |
+| ecdsa_private_key_store_path | Path to the ECDSA keystore in the Operator host | `/home/app/.keystores/aggregator.ecdsa` | `/home/app/.keystores/aggregator.ecdsa` | `/home/app/.keystores/operator.ecdsa` |
+| ecdsa_private_key_store_password | Password of the ECDSA keystore | | | |
+| bls_private_key_store_path | Path to the BLS keystore in the Operator host | `/home/app/.keystores/aggregator.bls` | `/home/app/.keystores/aggregator.bls` | `/home/app/.keystores/operator.bls` |
+| bls_private_key_store_password | Password of the BLS keystore | | | |
+| enable_metrics | Expose or not prometheus metrics | `true` | `true` | `true` |
+| metrics_ip_port_address | Where to expose prometheus metrics if enabled | `localhost:9092` | `localhost:9092` | `localhost:9092` |
+| telemetry_ip_port_address | Where to send telemetry traces | `` | `` | TBD |
+Deploy the Aggregator:
+make ansible_aggregator_deploy INVENTORY= ECDSA_KEYSTORE= BLS_KEYSTORE=
> [!Note]
> ECDSA_KEYSTORE and BLS_KEYSTORE are the paths of the keystores in your machine.
# How to Create Keystores
## Create ECDSA Keystore
@@ -196,7 +230,6 @@ Ethereum Address: 0x...
Refer to this link for more details about keystore creation https://docs.eigenlayer.xyz/eigenlayer/operator-guides/operator-installation#create-keys
## Create BLS Keystore
Make sure you have installed:
@@ -227,10 +260,9 @@ BLS Private Key (Hex):
And then,
Key location: $HOME/.eigenlayer/operator_keys/.bls.key.json
Public Key: E([...,...])
Refer to this link for more details about keystore creation https://docs.eigenlayer.xyz/eigenlayer/operator-guides/operator-installation#create-keys
diff --git a/infra/ansible/playbooks/aggregator.yaml b/infra/ansible/playbooks/aggregator.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..599f6e76e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/ansible/playbooks/aggregator.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+- name: Run setup playbook
+ ansible.builtin.import_playbook: setup.yaml
+ vars:
+ host: aggregator
+- name: Run go playbook
+ ansible.builtin.import_playbook: go.yaml
+ vars:
+ host: aggregator
+- hosts: aggregator
+ vars:
+ service: "aggregator"
+ tasks:
+ - name: Update apt and install required system packages
+ become: true
+ apt:
+ pkg:
+ - pkg-config
+ - libssl-dev
+ state: latest
+ update_cache: true
+ vars:
+ ansible_ssh_user: "{{ admin_user }}"
+ - name: Create directories for each service if do not exist
+ file:
+ path: /home/{{ ansible_user }}/repos/{{ service }}
+ state: directory
+ mode: '0755'
+ owner: '{{ ansible_user }}'
+ group: '{{ ansible_user }}'
+ loop:
+ - aggregator
+ - name: Clone Aligned repository
+ git:
+ repo: https://github.com/yetanotherco/aligned_layer.git
+ dest: /home/{{ ansible_user }}/repos/{{ service }}/aligned_layer
+ version: v0.10.2
+ loop:
+ - aggregator
+ - name: Set permissions for cloned repository
+ file:
+ path: /home/{{ ansible_user }}/repos/{{ service }}/aligned_layer
+ mode: '0755'
+ owner: '{{ ansible_user }}'
+ group: '{{ ansible_user }}'
+ recurse: yes
+ - name: Copy ECDSA keystore to server
+ copy:
+ src: '{{ ecdsa_keystore_path }}'
+ dest: /home/{{ ansible_user }}/.keystores/aggregator.ecdsa
+ owner: '{{ ansible_user }}'
+ group: '{{ ansible_user }}'
+ - name: Copy BLS keystore to server
+ copy:
+ src: '{{ bls_keystore_path }}'
+ dest: /home/{{ ansible_user }}/.keystores/aggregator.bls
+ owner: '{{ ansible_user }}'
+ group: '{{ ansible_user }}'
+ - name: Build aggregator
+ shell:
+ chdir: /home/{{ ansible_user }}/repos/aggregator/aligned_layer/
+ cmd: /usr/local/go/bin/go build -o /home/{{ ansible_user }}/repos/aggregator/aligned_layer/build/aligned-aggregator /home/{{ ansible_user }}/repos/aggregator/aligned_layer/aggregator/cmd/main.go
+ - name: Upload config file for aggregator
+ template:
+ src: config-files/config-aggregator.yaml.j2
+ dest: "/home/{{ ansible_user }}/config/config-aggregator.yaml"
+ vars:
+ aligned_layer_deployment_config_file_path: "{{ lookup('ini', 'aligned_layer_deployment_config_file_path', file='ini/config-aggregator.ini') }}"
+ eigen_layer_deployment_config_file_path: "{{ lookup('ini', 'eigen_layer_deployment_config_file_path', file='ini/config-aggregator.ini') }}"
+ eth_rpc_url: "{{ lookup('ini', 'eth_rpc_url', file='ini/config-aggregator.ini') }}"
+ eth_rpc_url_fallback: "{{ lookup('ini', 'eth_rpc_url_fallback', file='ini/config-aggregator.ini') }}"
+ eth_ws_url: "{{ lookup('ini', 'eth_ws_url', file='ini/config-aggregator.ini') }}"
+ eth_ws_url_fallback: "{{ lookup('ini', 'eth_ws_url_fallback', file='ini/config-aggregator.ini') }}"
+ ecdsa_private_key_store_path: "{{ lookup('ini', 'ecdsa_private_key_store_path', file='ini/config-aggregator.ini') }}"
+ ecdsa_private_key_store_password: "{{ lookup('ini', 'ecdsa_private_key_store_password', file='ini/config-aggregator.ini') }}"
+ bls_private_key_store_path: "{{ lookup('ini', 'bls_private_key_store_path', file='ini/config-aggregator.ini') }}"
+ bls_private_key_store_password: "{{ lookup('ini', 'bls_private_key_store_password', file='ini/config-aggregator.ini') }}"
+ enable_metrics: "{{ lookup('ini', 'enable_metrics', file='ini/config-aggregator.ini') }}"
+ metrics_ip_port_address: "{{ lookup('ini', 'metrics_ip_port_address', file='ini/config-aggregator.ini') }}"
+ telemetry_ip_port_address: "{{ lookup('ini', 'telemetry_ip_port_address', file='ini/config-aggregator.ini') }}"
+ - name: Allow access to tcp port 8090
+ become: true
+ ufw:
+ rule: allow
+ port: 8090
+ proto: tcp
+ vars:
+ ansible_ssh_user: "{{ admin_user }}"
+ - name: Create systemd services directory
+ file:
+ path: "/home/{{ ansible_user }}/.config/systemd/user/"
+ state: directory
+ - name: Add service to systemd
+ template:
+ src: services/aggregator.service.j2
+ dest: "/home/{{ ansible_user }}/.config/systemd/user/aggregator.service"
+ force: no
+ - name: Start aggregator service
+ systemd_service:
+ name: aggregator
+ state: started
+ enabled: true
+ scope: user
diff --git a/infra/ansible/playbooks/batcher.yaml b/infra/ansible/playbooks/batcher.yaml
index 238a6bf2c..2a1c1cb71 100644
--- a/infra/ansible/playbooks/batcher.yaml
+++ b/infra/ansible/playbooks/batcher.yaml
@@ -97,7 +97,6 @@
telemetry_ip_port_address: "{{ lookup('ini', 'telemetry_ip_port_address', file='ini/config-batcher.ini') }}"
batcher_replacement_private_key: "{{ lookup('ini', 'batcher_replacement_private_key', file='ini/config-batcher.ini') }}"
- name: Upload env file for batcher
src: config-files/env-batcher.j2
diff --git a/infra/ansible/playbooks/ini/config-aggregator.ini.example b/infra/ansible/playbooks/ini/config-aggregator.ini.example
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6c01c1c1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/ansible/playbooks/ini/config-aggregator.ini.example
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
diff --git a/infra/ansible/playbooks/templates/config-files/config-aggregator.yaml.j2 b/infra/ansible/playbooks/templates/config-files/config-aggregator.yaml.j2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..49bb8a3c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/ansible/playbooks/templates/config-files/config-aggregator.yaml.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# Common variables for all the services
+# 'production' only prints info and above. 'development' also prints debug
+environment: "production"
+aligned_layer_deployment_config_file_path: "{{ aligned_layer_deployment_config_file_path }}"
+eigen_layer_deployment_config_file_path: "{{ eigen_layer_deployment_config_file_path }}"
+eth_rpc_url: "{{ eth_rpc_url }}"
+eth_rpc_url_fallback: "{{ eth_rpc_url_fallback }}"
+eth_ws_url: "{{ eth_ws_url }}"
+eth_ws_url_fallback: "{{ eth_ws_url_fallback }}"
+eigen_metrics_ip_port_address: "localhost:9090"
+## ECDSA Configurations
+ private_key_store_path: "{{ ecdsa_private_key_store_path }}"
+ private_key_store_password: "{{ ecdsa_private_key_store_password }}"
+## BLS Configurations
+ private_key_store_path: "{{ bls_private_key_store_path }}"
+ private_key_store_password: "{{ bls_private_key_store_password }}"
+## Aggregator Configurations
+ server_ip_port_address: localhost:8090
+ bls_public_key_compendium_address:
+ avs_service_manager_address:
+ enable_metrics: {{ enable_metrics }}
+ metrics_ip_port_address: "{{ metrics_ip_port_address }}"
+ telemetry_ip_port_address: "{{ telemetry_ip_port_address }}"
+ garbage_collector_period: 2m #The period of the GC process. Suggested value for Prod: '168h' (7 days)
+ garbage_collector_tasks_age: 20 #The age of tasks that will be removed by the GC, in blocks. Suggested value for prod: '216000' (30 days)
+ garbage_collector_tasks_interval: 10 #The interval of queried blocks to get an old batch. Suggested value for prod: '900' (3 hours)
diff --git a/infra/ansible/playbooks/templates/services/aggregator.service.j2 b/infra/ansible/playbooks/templates/services/aggregator.service.j2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eacf82989
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/ansible/playbooks/templates/services/aggregator.service.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+WorkingDirectory=/home/{{ ansible_user }}/repos/aggregator/aligned_layer/aggregator
+ExecStart=/home/{{ ansible_user }}/repos/aggregator/aligned_layer/build/aligned-aggregator --config /home/{{ ansible_user }}/config/config-aggregator.yaml
diff --git a/infra/ansible/stage_inventory.yaml b/infra/ansible/stage_inventory.yaml
index fb8085653..2a4cc8d38 100644
--- a/infra/ansible/stage_inventory.yaml
+++ b/infra/ansible/stage_inventory.yaml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- ansible_host: aligned-ansible
- ansible_user: admin
- app_user: app
+ ansible_host: aligned-holesky-stage-1-aggregator
+ admin_user: admin
+ ansible_user: app
ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python3