diff --git a/packages/yii-dev-panel/src/Application/Component/Layout.tsx b/packages/yii-dev-panel/src/Application/Component/Layout.tsx
index fe0a34f..cd85ac0 100644
--- a/packages/yii-dev-panel/src/Application/Component/Layout.tsx
+++ b/packages/yii-dev-panel/src/Application/Component/Layout.tsx
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ const pages = [
{name: 'Open API', link: '/open-api'},
{name: 'Frames', link: '/frames'},
// Uncomment to debug shared components
- // {name: 'Shared', link: '/shared'},
+ {name: 'Shared', link: '/shared'},
const StyledLink = styled(Link)(({theme}) => {
return {
diff --git a/packages/yii-dev-panel/src/Application/Pages/RemoteComponent.tsx b/packages/yii-dev-panel/src/Application/Pages/RemoteComponent.tsx
index c6e801a..9ba8aee 100644
--- a/packages/yii-dev-panel/src/Application/Pages/RemoteComponent.tsx
+++ b/packages/yii-dev-panel/src/Application/Pages/RemoteComponent.tsx
@@ -1,103 +1,79 @@
import {Alert} from '@mui/material';
-import {FullScreenCircularProgress} from '@yiisoft/yii-dev-panel-sdk/Component/FullScreenCircularProgress';
-import React, {Suspense} from 'react';
-type UseDynamicScriptProps = {
- url: string | undefined;
+import {lazy, Suspense} from 'react';
+import {ErrorBoundary} from 'react-error-boundary';
+const remotesMap = {};
+// const __vite__import = name => import(/* @vite-ignore */name);
+const shareScope = {
+ // 'react': {
+ // 'default': {
+ // get: () => __vite__import('http://localhost:5001/assets/__federation_shared_react.js'),
+ // loaded: 1
+ // }
+ // },
+ // 'react-dom': {
+ // 'default': {
+ // get: () => __vite__import('http://localhost:5001/assets/__federation_shared_react-dom.js'),
+ // loaded: 1
+ // }
+ // },
-const useDynamicScript = ({url}: UseDynamicScriptProps) => {
- const [ready, setReady] = React.useState(false);
- const [failed, setFailed] = React.useState(false);
- React.useEffect(() => {
- if (!url) {
- return;
+if (!globalThis.__federation_shared__) {
+ globalThis.__federation_shared__ = shareScope;
+var __federation__ = {
+ ensure: async (remoteId) => {
+ const remote = remotesMap[remoteId];
+ if (remote.inited) {
+ return remote.lib;
- const element = document.createElement('script');
- element.src = url;
- element.type = 'text/javascript';
- element.async = true;
- setReady(false);
- setFailed(false);
- element.onload = () => {
- console.debug(`Dynamic Script Loaded: ${url}`);
- setReady(true);
- };
- element.onerror = () => {
- console.error(`Dynamic Script Error: ${url}`);
- setReady(false);
- setFailed(true);
- };
- document.head.appendChild(element);
- return () => {
- console.debug(`Dynamic Script Unloaded: ${url}`);
- document.head.removeChild(element);
- };
- }, [url]);
- return {
- ready,
- failed,
- };
-const loadComponent = (scope: string, module: string) => async () => {
- /**
- * Initializes the shared scope. This fills it with known provided modules from this build and all remotes
- */
- // @ts-ignore
- await __webpack_init_sharing__('default');
- // @ts-ignore
- const container = window[scope];
- /**
- * Initialize the container, it may provide shared modules
- */
- // @ts-ignore
- await container.init(__webpack_share_scopes__.default);
- // @ts-ignore
- const factory = await window[scope].get(module);
- const Module = factory();
- return Module;
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ // debugger;
+ import(/* @vite-ignore */ remote.url).then((lib) => {
+ debugger;
+ console.log('lib', lib);
+ if (!remote.inited) {
+ lib.init(globalThis.__federation_shared__);
+ remote.lib = lib;
+ remote.inited = true;
+ }
+ resolve(remote.lib);
+ });
+ });
+ },
+const loadComponent = (url, scope, module) => async () => {
+ remotesMap[scope] = {
+ url: url,
+ };
-type ModuleLoaderProps = {
- module: string;
- url: string;
- scope: string;
- props: any;
+ return __federation__.ensure(scope).then((remote) => remote.get(module).then((factory) => factory()));
-const ModuleLoader = ({module, props, scope, url}: ModuleLoaderProps) => {
- const dynamicScript = useDynamicScript({
- url: module && url,
- });
+const ModuleLoader = ({module, props, scope, url}) => {
if (!module) {
return Module name cannot be empty;
- if (!dynamicScript.ready) {
- return ;
- }
- if (dynamicScript.failed) {
- return Failed to load dynamic script: {url};
- }
- const Component = React.lazy(loadComponent(scope, module));
+ const Component = lazy(loadComponent(url, scope, module));
return (
- }>
+ Loading...>}>
+export const RemoteButton = () => {
+ const url = 'http://localhost:5001/assets/remoteEntry.js';
+ return (
+ Failed to load remote component...>}>
+ );
export default ModuleLoader;
diff --git a/packages/yii-dev-panel/src/Application/Pages/SharedPage.tsx b/packages/yii-dev-panel/src/Application/Pages/SharedPage.tsx
index 88e00d1..0abd781 100644
--- a/packages/yii-dev-panel/src/Application/Pages/SharedPage.tsx
+++ b/packages/yii-dev-panel/src/Application/Pages/SharedPage.tsx
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ export function SharedPage() {
return (