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Create Kubeflow Pipeline from Workbench

A Kubeflow pipeline is a portable and scalable definition of a machine learning (ML) workflow. Each step in your ML workflow, such as preparing data or training a model, is an instance of a pipeline component.

1. Create a Workbench with access to Kubeflow

A Kubeflow pipeline can be created with Kubeflow Python SDK using its own DSL (domain specific language). Currently, the Kubeflow Pipeline SDK (kfp) is only available in Python programming language.

Add Allow access to Kubeflow Pipelines PodDefault

Let's create a Jupyter Notebook first to interact with the Kubeflow Pipeline API Server backend.

  1. Navigate to "Kubeflow UI Dashboard" -> "Notebooks" -> "+ New Notebook"

  2. Input the following values in the New notebook plane

Basic Category Input
Name: <yourname>-pipeline-test
Type: JupyterLab
Custom Notebook: kubeflownotebookswg/jupyter-scipy:v1.7.0 
CPU: 0,2
RAM in GiB: 0,5
Workspace Volume Input
New volume
Type Empty volume
Size in Gi  5
Storage class  homedir
Access mode ReadWriteOnce
Mount path /home/jovyan
  1. Open the Advanced Options

and select the Configurations

  • Allow access to Kubeflow Pipelines

  1. Click on LAUNCH button to create a new jupyterlab workbench.


  • If you haven't created Allow access to Kubeflow Pipelines PodDefault in your namespace, please follow the instruction in Section Git Versioning and Env variable to create Allow access to Kubeflow Pipelines PodDefault first, and then back to this tutorial section.

2. Create first kubeflow pipeline

Let's CONNECT to the created JupyterLab workbench <yourname>-pipeline-test with the kubeflow access token mounted.

You can create a Python Jupyter Notebook from the Launcher by click on the Notebook Python 3.

In this tutorial, you will start with a provided notebook to start your first pipeline.

  1. Fetch the workshop git code repository by typing the following in terminal in the <yourname>-pipeline-test JupyterLab workbench:
cd $HOME;
git clone;
  1. Navigate the kf-examples/sdkV1/toy_v1_add.ipynb in JupyterLab file browser, open it by double click.

Click on the ">>" Button to "Restart Kernal and Run All cells ..."

Or you can run every cell single separately and see examing the python notebook

  1. You can see, "Experiment details" and "Run details" as output at the end of toy_v1_add.ipynb, click on it to open the Run details

  1. Click on Add op component in the pipeline graph view to open the side panel

You can see Input/Output, Details, Logs ... of the Pod in this first pipeline run.


  • You can also access the Run info of kubeflow pipeline from Kubeflow Dashboard UI -> Runs

3. Upload your first pipeline

Let's go back to the jupyter workbench by switch back the opened tab in browser.

  1. Navigate to kf-examples/sdkV1/compiled/ folder, you can see the file sum.yaml which is a Yaml representation of your first KFP pipeline.

  1. You can download sum.yaml by right mous click on the file in Jupyter file browser, and click on Dowload and save it in a location of your choice.

  1. Navigate to Kubeflow Dashboard UI, goto Pipelines view, and click on "+ Upload pipeline" on up right corner

  1. Input the following values in the "Upload Pipeline or Pipeline Version" plane
Creat a new pipeline  
Pipeline Name: <yourname>-sum-numbers-pipeline
Pipeline Description: this pipeline sums two float inputs
Upload a file: < choose your sum.yaml file download previously >

Click on Create.


  • At the current Kubeflow version, the pipeline name is global unique, it is shared among all namespaces.
  • If you receive an error, that pipeline already exists. Change your pipeline name or upload it as a new pipeline version to the existing pipeline.
  • In Kubeflow 1.8.0 there will be private pipeline for namespace in the future.
  1. On the opened <yourname>-um-numbers-pipeline plane, click on Create run

  1. On the Start a run plane
  • choose Experiment as "demo"
  • Run parameters a to "3" and b "4"

keep the rest default inputs

Click on "Start"

  1. Examin the Run of your started pipeline <yourname>-sum-numbers-pipeline

  1. Click on the top run you just started. You can follow up the run info in the pipeline UI run view and see the logs of components in this pipeline run.

4. (Optiona Clean up)

If you want to learn more about Kubeflow Python SDK for building a ML pipeline, please keep the current JupyterLab workbench open, you will use it right away.

If you decided to learn Kubeflow Python SDK in a later time, please remember to clean up your resources:

  • stop and delete, your kubeflow workbench instance
  • delete the associated workspace volume of the kubeflow workbench

5. Summary

You have learned in this tutorial

  • Create a Jupyter Workbench with Pipeline Access
  • Start your first Kubeflow Pipeline using KFP python SDK from a Jupyter Notebook
  • Examing the Run details of a Kubeflow Pipeline run
  • Download the Yaml representation of Kubeflow Pipeline created by Python SDK
  • Upload the Yaml representation of Kubeflow Pipeline via Pipelines UI
  • Create a new run from the Kubeflow Pipeline with input params
  • Exam the Run details from Experiments (KFP), Kubeflow Dashboard UI menu