Changes between different releases in ASPECT are documented in the file "to-VERSION.h" that for the current release is automatically created from the files in the directory "changes".
Each of these files contain a short description of a change, the authors' names
and the date where the latter two a separated by "
" from the first one.
A typical file could look like this:
New: We can do fancy stuff now.
(John Doe, YYYY/MM/DD)
and is named YYYYMMDD_JohnDoe
. File names for multiple contributions from the
same author on one day have a number appended, e.g. YYYMMDD_JohnDoe_1
Only the file name is used to have a proper order in "changes.h". This
means that the file can in principle have an arbitrary name as long as the date
in the file and in the file name match.