the going-to-Macau group diplomacy agent - top secret!
- Java 8
- python 2.7
- maven 3 (might not be required if only working in Intellij or Eclipse as you can import a maven project)
pip install parlance
you will need to either edit the file, or pass parameters to the program (in intellij do this by going to "Run->edit configurations")
run the TournamentRunner.main() and voilla.
run the following from the project root dir:
- mvn initialize
- mvn clean install -pl biu3141Negotiator
- mvn clean install
in order to debug the agent, replace the last step with:
- mvn test -Ddebug=true
and then connect via remote debug (on port 5005)
to run just the first stage test (4 vs. 3), run:
- mvn test -pl bandana -Dtest=MyTournamentRunnerTest#testRunTournamentFourVsThree
and to run just the second stage test run:
- mvn test -pl bandana -Dtest=MyTournamentRunnerTest#testRunTournamentOneOfSeven
to evaluate the first stage over 20 games run:
- mvn test -pl bandana -Dtest=MyTournamentRunnerTest#testRunTournamentFourVsThreeLong