pyiapws95 is a Python implementation of the IAPWS formulation 1995 for the thermodynamic properties of water. The code is based on a C++ library Fluidika.
The package provides two top-level functions: water_props and saturation_props. The former returns single-state water or gas properties:
temperature [K] pressure [Pa] density [kg m^-3] entropy [Joule kg^-1 K^-1] internal_energy [Joule kg^-1] enthalpy [Joule kg^-1] gibbs_free_energy [Joule kg^-1] isochoric_heat_capacity [Joule kg^-1 K^-1] isobaric_heat_capacity [Joule kg^-1 K^-1] speed_of_sound [m s^-1]
The latter returns a tuple of above properties for liquid and vapour phases.
The only required dependency is numpy. Substantially better performance one can obtain by installing numba. Pint simplifies unit handling.
The easiest way to try pyiapws95 is to install it with conda in a separate environment:
$ conda create -n pyiapws95 -c yt87 python=3.9 numpy numba pint pyiapws95
Then one can obtain thermodynamic properties of water at the sea level and room temperature as follows:
>>> from pint import UnitRegistry
>>> import pyiapws95 as wp
>>> ur = UnitRegistry()
>>> pressure = 1013.25 * ur.kilopascals
>>> temperature = ur.Quantity(18, ur.celsius)
>>> wp.water_props(pressure, temperature)
temperature = 291.15 kelvin
pressure = 1013250.0 pascal
density = 999.0189673750012 kilogram / meter ** 3
entropy = 267.64473499097977 joule / kelvin / kilogram
internal_energy = 75487.06425878826 joule / kilogram
enthalpy = 76501.3092662225 joule / kilogram
gibbs_free_energy = -1423.4553264012648 joule / kilogram
isochoric_heat_capacity = 4160.620288359394 joule / kelvin / kilogram
isobaric_heat_capacity = 4182.645390095095 joule / kelvin / kilogram
speed_of_sound = 1477.5390482281166 meter / second
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pyiapws95 is is released under MIT Licence.