- YuanBenLian API Documentation https://yuanbenlian.com/documents/readme
"php-64bit": ">=7.0",
"ext-gmp": "*",
"ext-secp256k1": ">=0.1.0",
"ext-keccak": "~0.2",
"guzzlehttp/guzzle": "~6.0",
"bitwasp/buffertools": "^0.5.0"
- secp256k1 : https://github.com/bitcoin-core/secp256k1
- ext-secp256k1: https://github.com/Bit-Wasp/secp256k1-php
- ext-keccak: https://github.com/EricYChu/php-keccak-hash
ECDH api is destroyed, check the commit of the latest secp256k1 before the merge of 95e99f196fd08a8b2c236ab99d7e7fec8f6dc78f
- git clone https://github.com/yuanbenio/universe-php-sdk.git
- cd universe-php-sdk
- composer install
- composer require yuanbenio/universe-php-sdk
code | describe |
ok | Success |
3001 | Invalid parameter |
3002 | Empty parameter |
3003 | Record does not exist |
3004 | Record already exists |
3005 | Permission denied: please register the public key first |
3006 | Permission denied: please contract Yuanben chain support |
3007 | Incorrect data |
3009 | Data storage fail |
3010 | Data not on YuanBen chain |
3011 | block information is empty |
3012 | Query fail |
3020 | Signature verification fail |
3023 | Parameter verification fail |
3021 | Invalid public key |
3022 | License's parameters are empty |
4001 | Error connecting to redis server |
4002 | Error connecting to the first-level node |
4003 | Broadcast transaction fail |
4004 | ABCI query fail |
4005 | Redis handling error |
5000 | Unknown error |
TestNet address: https://testnet.yuanbenlian.com
name | type | must | comment | source |
type | string | Y | eg:image,article,audio,video,custom,private | user-defined |
language | string | Y | 'zh-CN', | default:zh-CN,user-defined |
title | string | N | title | user-defined |
signature | string | Y | sign by secp256k1 | generate by system |
abstract | string | N | Content summary | default:content[:200],user-defined |
category | string | N | eg:"news" | user-defined,if there is content, the system will add five more |
dna | string | Y | metadata dna | generate by system |
parent_dna | string | N | - | user-defined,link an other metadata |
block_hash | string | Y | block_hash on YuanBen chain | user-defined |
block_height | string | Y | block_hash corresponding block_height | user-defined |
created | integer | Y | timestamp, eg:1506302092 | generate by system |
content_hash | string | Y | Keccak256(content) | default:Keccak256(content),user-defined |
extra | TreeMap<String, Object> | N | user-defined content | user-defined |
license | Metadata.License | Y | user-defined | |
license.type | string | Y | the type of license | user-defined |
license.parameters | TreeMap<String, Object> | N | the parameters of license | user-defined |
source | string | N | source link. | user-defined |
data | TreeMap<String, Object> | N | extension data of the type | user-defined |
- Note: If you want to use the YuanBenLian OPENAPI, please contact the YuanBenLian owner to register your public key to the YuanBenLian.
- Note: the API configuration needs to be initialized before using the API method
- Note: If there is an integer used in metadata, please convert to string
create private key
// if you don't have private key,You can use this method to generate a private key
// generate private key
$privateKey = \YBL\Kernel\Eth\Key::createPrivateKey();
echo $privateKey . PHP_EOL;
// init key
$private_key = \YBL\Kernel\Eth\Key::getPrivateKey()->getHex();
// if you use production env,You can contact the YuanBenLian owner to add the public key to the authorized public key.
$public_key = \YBL\Kernel\Eth\Key::getPublicKey()->getHex();
Authorized secondary account
$uri = "https://testnet.yuanbenlian.com";
// test key
// you can create private key
// $privateKey = \YBL\Kernel\Eth\Key::createPrivateKey();
$privateKey = '4e8c4b58b63e4584b807efa63182cff82440c263e442e21d4ac80ce857ccfbd6';
* timeout : Float describing the timeout of the request in seconds. default 30 s.
* verify : Describes the SSL certificate verification behavior of a request.
* Set to true to enable SSL certificate verification and use the default CA bundle provided by operating system.
* Set to false to disable certificate verification (this is insecure!).
* Set to a string to provide the path to a CA bundle to enable verification using a custom certificate.
$config = [
'private_key' => $privateKey, // must
'base_uri' => $uri, // not must, default is https://openapi.yuanbenlian.com,
'timeout' => 30, // not must , default is 30
'verify' => true, // not must , default is true
$client = new \YBL\ClientBuilder($config);
$subkeys = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
$privateKeyTmp = \YBL\Kernel\Eth\Key::createPrivateKey();
$subkeys[] = \YBL\Kernel\Eth\Key::getPublicKey()->getHex();
$response = $client->registerAccount($subkeys);
echo "result : " . $response->getBody()->getContents() . PHP_EOL;
publish article
$uri = "https://testnet.yuanbenlian.com";
// test key
// you can create private key
// $privateKey = \YBL\Kernel\Eth\Key::createPrivateKey();
$privateKey = '4e8c4b58b63e4584b807efa63182cff82440c263e442e21d4ac80ce857ccfbd6';
* timeout : Float describing the timeout of the request in seconds. default 30 s.
* verify : Describes the SSL certificate verification behavior of a request.
* Set to true to enable SSL certificate verification and use the default CA bundle provided by operating system.
* Set to false to disable certificate verification (this is insecure!).
* Set to a string to provide the path to a CA bundle to enable verification using a custom certificate.
$config = [
'private_key' => $privateKey, // must
'base_uri' => $uri, // not must, default is https://openapi.yuanbenlian.com,
'timeout' => 30, // not must , default is 30
'verify' => true, // not must , default is true
$client = new \YBL\ClientBuilder($config);
$res = $client->searchLatestBlock();
$result = json_decode($res->getBody()->getContents(), true);
if (isset($result['code']) && $result['code'] == 'ok') {
$latest_block_hash = $result['data']['latest_block_hash'];
$latest_block_height = (string)$result['data']['latest_block_height'];
} else {
echo "get latest block wrong : " . $res;
$content = 'just for test!';
// build metadata parameters
// pubkey is populated by default
$data = [
'type' => 'article',
'language' => 'en',
'title' => 'test ybl article',
'category' => 'news',
'block_hash' => $latest_block_hash,
'block_height' => $latest_block_height,
'created' => (string)time(),
'content_hash' => hash('sha256', $content), // or Keccak::hash($content,256) or other hash algorithm
'license' => [
'type' => 'none'
$metadata = $client->buildMetadata($data);
$signature = $client->sign($metadata);
echo "signature : ".$signature . PHP_EOL;
* you can use signature to generate dna
* $client->generateDNA($signature);
$metadata = $client->setSignature($metadata, $signature);
$response = $client->publishMetadata($metadata);
echo "result : " . $response->getBody()->getContents() . PHP_EOL;
* result : {"code":"ok","data":{"dna":"1AGK96C7JR6CC69JUKG0ZJLCSFODZ6GS9JNYSHKWWS3JZ7RJN5"}}
$responseMeta = $client->searchMetadata($dna);
echo "metadata info : " . $responseMeta->getBody()->getContents() . PHP_EOL;
metadata info : {"code":"ok","data":{"content_hash":"028a6011079dc3316f36198bdcc9476937ea2c3f9b705557c8e11be737b01107","created":"1555508743","block_hash":"627E5DEA02407894CA42EFE1267A9BC4F6770AB3","block_height":"323099","language":"en","signature":"af4123fb82d0ba48f99c604c3990e676f8b21266ad4c74b9632d6fd6519b16e41565453189ccfb7b390629f516eee53c40556620fcbc4b3989441f3606b11b4d00","pubkey":"02960bfff6ffd689b58c87e142e37a47ec348984dfdb79d6a069302cfac89d4368","type":"article","license":{"type":"none"},"category":"news","dna":"1AGK96C7JR6CC69JUKG0ZJLCSFODZ6GS9JNYSHKWWS3JZ7RJN5","title":"test ybl article"},"tx":{"block_hash":"32137a2f4f5d24870caeb535724cf946230f1243","block_height":323101,"sender":"1624de6420e15aee7543c19a01a12ab135416bedc6b77d86ceb373c1bb51785f192c2c8452","proposer":"","time":1555508726,"version":"v4"}}