Object placement is very annoying and poor, need drag & drop like KSP (this is very very needed ASAP almost before anything else).
Astronaut doesn't auto face way it moves, quite cosmetic but annoying.
Music is annoying and too loud by default.
Engine texture issue (thruster is full black, thruster_0 have some dark gray parts in addition to black ones).
Help menu mouse wheel is not "blocked", camera get the input too.
Camera can rotate and "see" under the ground.
This might not be needed. Make atmosphere mesh per planet.
Vegetation and other static assets placement based on surface quad-tree node Ids.
Replace heightmap planets with voxel ones by employing dual grid marching cubes algorithm.
Model more vegetation entities in order to make environment more attractive.
Textures alignment in materials for planets. Beat the floating point rounding problem by using a common origin vector and have all other points as displacements with respect that origin one.
Add more planets.
Fix trajectory after deserialization. It is probably necessary to just call 'launch'.
Make dynamic objects destroyed if going under the ground. It happens when flying too fast and the game cannot build collision volumes quick enough.
Make an explosion object when dynamic body blows up.
Make connection nodes for static bodies.
Make it possible for the player to create a "construction base" used for attaching static bodies to it.
Make it only possible to connect static bodies to "construction base" static node.
Make it save/destroy/create/restore based on the bounding volume. May be introduce asynchronous database for this purpose.
Resource system. May be "material" and "electricity"...
Make "levels" purchasable for "material" resource.
May be port to Godot 4.
If port to Godot 4 is successful, try implement multiplayer.
Make it possible to pick a character.
Implement space suit on/off capability.
Make volumes editable. Implement nodes hierarchy. Make it possible to drag/rotate the nodes and update the resulting landscape. May be implement a mode when it is possible to add/remove volumes and design landscape this way.