Name | Type | Description | Notes |
addressId | string | Address ID<br />Your unique identifier for this address.<br />If not provided, a GUID will be generated. | [optional] |
isReturnAddress | bool | Is Return Address<br />If true, then this address is also available as a return address. | |
companyName | string | Company Name<br />Ignored if is a return address | [optional] |
contactName | string | Contact Name / Return Name | |
addressLine1 | string | Address Line 1 | |
addressLine2 | string | Address Line 2 | [optional] |
addressLine3 | string | Address Line 3 | [optional] |
town | string | Town | |
county | string | County / State / Province<br />Conditional dependent on country.<br />USA, Australia and Canada all require a valid state code or name. | [optional] |
countryCode | string | Country Code<br />ISO Alpha-2 Country Code per ISO 3166 Standard<br />Required to be GB if is a return address | |
postcode | string | Postcode / Zip<br />Required for domestic addresses and some international addresses. | [optional] |
phoneNumber | string | Contact Phone Number<br />Required for destination addresses where SMS notifications are requested.<br />(Service Enhancement Code 13 or 16)<br />Ignored if is a return address | [optional] |
emailAddress | string | Contact Email Address<br />Required for destination addresses where email notifications are requested.<br />(Service Enhancement Code 14 or 16)<br />Ignored if is a Return Address | [optional] |
vatNumber | string | VAT Number<br />Ignored if is a return address | [optional] |
safeplace | string | Safeplace<br />Free text to describe a safe place to leave the parcel if the service allows it.<br />Ignored if is a return address | [optional] |