Personal link shortening service built with fastify
- Fastify - HTTP Router
- BCrypt - Hashing and dehashing of password
- JWT - Encrypted payload that holds data
- Knex - Database query builder
- NanoID - URL-safe ID generator
- UUID - Unique ID generator
API Routes suffixed with 🔒 require authentication. You authenticate yourself by passing an Authorization: Bearer <token>
header with your request. You can retrieve a token by creating an account or logging into an account
General message about the API
Create a short link.
Request Body
destination: string
Status 200
nanoId: string,
id: string
Delete a short link
Status 200
id: string,
shorthand_id: string
Create an account.
Request Body
email: string,
username: string,
password: string
Status 200
token: string
Login to an account and retrieve the generated token.
Request Body
username: string,
password: string
Status 200
token: string
Status 401
message: string
Access a short link, will redirect user to the destination
Home page
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
Please ensure any and all commits pass our tests, linting, and build steps
Licensed under the MIT License
For routes that require authentication, please pass a header like so: Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>