Releases: zaneschepke/wgtunnel
Releases · zaneschepke/wgtunnel
Release 3.1.0
Features and Enhancements:
- Config screen now allows all config fields to be edited
- Included the ability to add a tunnel config manually
- Setting screen UI and usability improvements
- AndroidTV buttons visibility improvements
- Primary tunnel selection and status visibility improvements
- Fixes bug where database changes could cause app to crash with certain versions
- Fix tunnel name missing on the details screen
- Fix application shortcuts not usable by automation/integration applications
- Fix file importing on AndroidTV/FireTV devices
Release 3.0.3
- Fixes file selection bug on AndroidTV where some devices are opening stub activities instead of a file explorer.
Release 3.0.2
- Fixes a bug where trusted SSIDs were appending whitespace when saved to the DB resulting in auto-tunneling issues.
- Fixes a bug where the app would crash on AndroidTV devices if they did not have a file explorer installed.
Release 3.0.1
- Added support for auto-tunneling on wired connections
- Refactor for improved usability and performance
- Added default alphabetic sorting for split tunneling packages
- Improved performance to split tunneling package list and search
- Added long pressing on quick tile now opens the app instead of Android app settings
- Fixed bug where the split tunneling package search was searching on the package name and not label name as displayed to the user
- Fixed a bug where turning on a new tunnel was not disabling a currently running tunnel
Release 3.0.0
- Migrated from ObjectBox to Room for full FLOSS compliance
- Migrated from GMS Code Scanner to Zxing Scanner for FLOSS compliance
- Migrated to version catalogs for dependency management
- Added build flavor for F-Droid and general release to exclude Google analytics from F-Droid
- Add Fastlane configuration for F-Droid
- Other enhancements and improvements
- Fixes bug where importing a .conf file was dropping frame
Release 2.4.5
- Add support for Android 8 (api 26)
- Fix bug where shortcuts were toggling auto-tunneling when it was not enabled
- Fix bug where shortcuts names were not being updated after a config change
Bump versions
Release 2.4.4
This is a FireTV specific release.
- Fixes bug on FireTV where file selection was not allowing user to select tunnel configs.
Release 2.4.3
- Fixes crashes caused by startForegroundService by limiting startForegroundService only to only be called by the TileService (where it is necessary to be able to start VPN without app running).
- Attempt to further reduce crashes caused by startForegroundService (which is notorious for this issue) by launching initial foreground notification in service onCreate.
- Attempt to limit crashes caused by mlkit (for QR code scanning) initialization by explicitly calling for initialization on app start.
Release 2.4.2
Add support for dynamic shortcuts for each tunnel
Dynamic shortcuts support overriding auto tunneling
Quick tile can now start tunnel even when app and all services are closed
Add package search for split tunneling
Other code cleanup and efficiencies
Release 2.3.7
- Improve quick tile controls to toggle auto-tunneling (if enabled) to allow for temporary overrides
- Add tunnel name to quick tile
- Fixes bug where wifi networks that do not have internet access were impacting auto-tunneling