% Todo list % zedesk.net % June 2014
- allows email address in the header block
- keep the last opened files
- adds a editor panel
Today the only header block supported is the pandoc title block :
% My title with `markdown` *emphasis*
% John MacFarlane
John Doe
% September 6, 2004
it will be great to support :
- MMD header block
Title: A New MultiMarkdown Document
Author: Fletcher T. Penney
John Doe
Date: July 25, 2005
- YAML Header block
title: My title with `markdown` *emphasis*
- John MacFarlane
- John Doe
doi: 10.234234.23424/x
date: September 6, 2004
abstract: |
A formatted abstract here.
May contain multiple paragraphs.
- shows the page title and url in the header
- adds a loader image
Add a refresh button to refresh the tree viewbetter watch change on the opened folderAdds The folder nameindicates the folder path- adds a history view
- allows to create a new file ( need editor )
- allows to create an index file
on changing folder, select the file if available
- create a download site
- check update version
- add a panel to send bugs or feature
The idea is to maintain an ordered list of opened files, usefull to go back.
Display the file title, file path and from now time.