Cloning Whatsapp Web
Client: Typescript, Next JS, Redux Toolkit, Socket IO Client, Mantine UI, Tailwind CSS, ESLint AirBNB
Server: Express, Prisma, Socket IO
- Login
- Register
- Private Chat
- Group Chat
- Contact
- Profile
- Search person by phone number
- Dynamic Theme (dark | light) mode
- Dynamic Walpapper Chat (custom color available)
- Realtime Chat
- Realtime multiple listen indicator when user typing
- Realtime notify when user invited group
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
Install application with NPM
npm i
npm run dev
Di bawah ini merupakan demo implementasi percakapan secara privat & group dengan tema Mencari Takjil
- Indicator message is delivered, read, error
- Total unread message
- Send Media (File, Image, Video, Voice Chat)
- Pin Chat
- Archive Chat
- Displays past date time information like : Yesterday, 1 Week Ago etc...
- Send Emoji
- Story
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For support, email [email protected]