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spring5.x-memcached 此模块是从spring5x-base 基础模块扩展过来的 spring5x-base模块是一个非常干净的spring5.x+springMVC架构 如果没有搭建spring5x-base模块,请参考 spring5x-base模块搭建


基于spring5x-base 基础模块 新增功能:

  • 1、xmemcached 依赖及配置
  • 2、xmemcached 自定义工具类
  • 3、使用

memcached-1.4.4 安装参考:

memcached 介绍: Memcached是一个自由开源的,高性能,分布式内存对象缓存系统。是一个简洁的key-value存储系统。Memcached是一种基于内存的key-value存储,用来存储小块的任意数据(字符串、对象)。这些数据可以是数据库调用、API调用或者是页面渲染的结果。

ehcache,redis,memcached 缓存应用场景和比较:


1、xmemcached 依赖及配置


		<!--memcached java 客户端-->


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""

    <context:property-placeholder location="classpath:memcached/" ignore-unresolvable="true"/>

    <bean id="memcachedClientBuilder" class="net.rubyeye.xmemcached.XMemcachedClientBuilder">
        <constructor-arg name="addressList" value="${}"/>

    <bean id="memcachedClient" factory-bean="memcachedClientBuilder" factory-method="build"

    <!-- 注入自定义工具类写的类 -->
    <bean id="xMemcachedUtil" class="com.zja.util.XMemcachedUtil"/>



    <!--xmemcache 配置-->
    <import resource="classpath:memcached/spring-xmemcache.xml"/>

2、xmemcached 自定义工具类 自定义工具类(可选)

package com.zja.util;

import net.rubyeye.xmemcached.GetsResponse;
import net.rubyeye.xmemcached.MemcachedClient;
import net.rubyeye.xmemcached.exception.MemcachedException;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;

import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;

import static java.util.Objects.isNull;

 * @author ZhengJa
 * @description XMemcached 封装的工具类:说明,如果对XMemcachedClient有了解,可以使用MemcachedClient本身封装的方法
 * @data 2019/11/12
public class XMemcachedUtil {

    private MemcachedClient memcachedClient;


     * 指定更新缓存失效时间
     * @param key  键
     * @param expiry 存储有效时间(秒) 0-永久存储
     * @return boolean  true/false --> 成功/失败
    public boolean expire(String key, int expiry) throws InterruptedException, MemcachedException, TimeoutException {
        boolean touchResult = false;
        if (expiry > 0) {
            touchResult = memcachedClient.touch(key, expiry);
        return touchResult;


    /** add: 当内存中已经有key存在,则会添加失败。如果内存中key不存在,则可以添加成功
     * 添加一个键值对到缓存中:时间不过期
     * @param key   键
     * @param value 值
     * @return boolean 若key存在-结果返回false,key不存在返回true
    public boolean add(String key, Object value) throws InterruptedException, MemcachedException, TimeoutException {
        return add(key, value, 0);

    /** add: 当内存中已经有key存在,则会添加失败。如果内存中key不存在,则可以添加成功
     * 添加一个键值对到缓存中,并设置其超时时间
     * @param key    键
     * @param value  值
     * @param expiry 存储有效时间(秒) 0-永久存储
     * @return boolean 若key存在-结果返回false
    public boolean add(String key, Object value, int expiry) throws InterruptedException, MemcachedException, TimeoutException {
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(key) || value == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("参数错误!");
        return memcachedClient.add(key, expiry, value);

    /** set: 重复的set操作,会覆盖之前的值
     * 添加一个键值对到缓存中:永久存储 ,与and区别使:若key存在-更新value值
     * @param key   键
     * @param value 值
    public boolean set(String key, Object value) throws InterruptedException, MemcachedException, TimeoutException {
        return set(key, value, 0);

    /** set: 重复的set操作,会覆盖之前的值
     * 添加一个键值对到缓存中,与and区别使:若key存在-更新value值
     * @param key    键
     * @param value  值
     * @param expiry 存储有效时间(秒) 0-永久存储
    public boolean set(String key, Object value, int expiry) throws InterruptedException, MemcachedException, TimeoutException {
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(key) || value == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("参数错误!");
        return memcachedClient.set(key, expiry, value);


     * 更新数据:根据key 更新value值,时间不过期
     * @param key   键
     * @param value 值
     * @return boolean 更新结果
    public boolean replace(String key, Object value) throws InterruptedException, MemcachedException, TimeoutException {
        return replace(key, value, 0);

     * 更新数据:根据key 更新value值
     * @param key    键
     * @param value  值
     * @param expiry 存储有效时间(秒) 0-永久存储
     * @return boolean 更新结果
    public boolean replace(String key, Object value, int expiry) throws InterruptedException, MemcachedException, TimeoutException {
        boolean replaceResult = false;
        Object cache = get(key);
        if (!isNull(cache)) {
            replaceResult = memcachedClient.replace(key, expiry, value);
        return replaceResult;


    /**get: 获取一个数据,如果写入时是压缩的或序列化的,则get的返回会自动解压缩及反序列化
     * 获取缓存数据:根据key获取 value 值
     * @param key 缓存中的key
    public <T> T get(String key) throws InterruptedException, MemcachedException, TimeoutException {
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(key)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("参数错误!");
        return memcachedClient.get(key);

     * 获取缓存数据并更新超时时间
     * @param key  键
     * @param time 存储有效时间(秒) 0-永久存储
     * @return boolean  true/false --> 成功/失败
    public boolean getAndTouch(String key, int time) throws InterruptedException, MemcachedException, TimeoutException {
        boolean touchResult = false;
        if (time > 0) {
            touchResult = memcachedClient.getAndTouch(key, time);
        return touchResult;

    /**gets : gets除了会返回缓存值外,还会返回当前缓存的版本号,一般是用于协同CAS完成原子操作使用
     * 获取缓存数据:根据key获取 value 值
     * @param key 缓存中的key
    public <T> GetsResponse<T> gets(String key) throws InterruptedException, MemcachedException, TimeoutException {
        return memcachedClient.gets(key);


     * 删除指定缓存:根据key删除
     * @param key 缓存中的key
    public boolean delete(String key) throws InterruptedException, MemcachedException, TimeoutException {
        return memcachedClient.delete(key);

     * 删除数据: 通过deleteWithNoReply方法,删除数据并且告诉memcached,不用返回应答,因此这个方法不会等待应答直接返回,特别适合于批量处理
     * @param key 键
    public void deleteWithNoReply(String key) throws InterruptedException, MemcachedException, TimeoutException {

     * 清空全部缓存 cache ,谨慎使用 真正项目上禁用
    public void flushAll() throws InterruptedException, MemcachedException, TimeoutException {


     * 递增++ :每次递增 1 ,永久存储
     * @param key 键 若不存,默认初始值为0,递增因子1
    public long incr(String key) throws InterruptedException, MemcachedException, TimeoutException {
        return this.incr(key, 1);

     * 递增++ : 自定义递增因子大小,永久存储
     * @param key   键 若不存,默认初始值为0,递增因子1
     * @param delta 递增因子必须大于0
    public long incr(String key, long delta) throws InterruptedException, MemcachedException, TimeoutException {
        if (delta < 0) {
            throw new RuntimeException("递增因子必须大于0");
        return memcachedClient.incr(key, delta);

     * 递增++ : 永久存储, 第一个参数指定递增的key名称,第二个参数指定递增的幅度大小,第三个参数指定当key不存在的情况下的初始值
     * @param key   指定递增的key名称
     * @param delta 指定递增的幅度大小
     * @param initValue  指定当key不存在的情况下的初始值
    public long incr(String key, long delta, long initValue) throws InterruptedException, MemcachedException, TimeoutException {
        if (delta < 0 || initValue < 0) {
            throw new RuntimeException("递增因子必须大于0");
        return memcachedClient.incr(key, delta, initValue);

     * 递减-- :永久存储,每次递减 1
     * @param key 键
    public long decr(String key) throws InterruptedException, MemcachedException, TimeoutException {
        return memcachedClient.decr(key, 1);

     * 递减-- :永久存储,指定递减值
     * @param key 键
     * @param delta 递减因子
    public long decr(String key, long delta) throws InterruptedException, MemcachedException, TimeoutException {
        if (delta < 0) {
            throw new RuntimeException("递减因子必须大于0");
        return memcachedClient.decr(key, delta);

     * 递减-- :永久存储,指定key、递减因子、初始值
     * @param key 键
     * @param delta 递减因子
     * @param init 初始值,若key值不存在,以初始值递减
    public long decr(String key, long delta, long init) throws InterruptedException, MemcachedException, TimeoutException {
        if (delta < 0) {
            throw new RuntimeException("递减因子必须大于0");
        return memcachedClient.decr(key, delta, init);

    /*=================【7、定义append/prepend方法 】===================*/

     * append在原有的key的value的末尾追加值,如果key不存在,则追加失败
     * @param key 键
     * @param value 末尾追加的值
    public boolean append(String key,Object value) throws InterruptedException, MemcachedException, TimeoutException {
        return memcachedClient.append(key,value);

     * append在原有的key的value的末尾追加值,如果key不存在,则追加失败
     * @param key 键
     * @param value 末尾追加的值
     * @param l
    public boolean append(String key,Object value,Long l) throws InterruptedException, MemcachedException, TimeoutException {
        return memcachedClient.append(key,value,l);

     * prepend在原有的value的头位置添加值,如果key不存在,则添加失败
     * @param key
     * @param value
    public boolean prepend(String key,Object value) throws InterruptedException, MemcachedException, TimeoutException {
        return memcachedClient.prepend(key,value);

     * prepend在原有的value的头位置添加值,如果key不存在,则添加失败
     * @param key 键
     * @param value 在头位置添加的值
     * @param l 第几个位置添加
    public boolean prepend(String key,Object value,Long l) throws InterruptedException, MemcachedException, TimeoutException {
        return memcachedClient.prepend(key,value,l);

     * prepend在原有的value的头位置添加值,不返回添加结果,如果key不存在,则添加失败
     * @param key 键
     * @param value 在头位置添加的值
    public void prependWithNoReply(String key,Object value) throws MemcachedException, InterruptedException {

    /*=================【8、定义cas方法-解决并发情况 】===================*/

     * 每次操作,cas的id都为递增,并且cas的key一定要存在,要不然会执行失败
     * @param key 键
     * @param expiry 时间
     * @param newValue 新值
     * @param cas  cas版本号,通过gets 结果集中获取cas
    public boolean cas(String key, int expiry, Object newValue,long cas) throws InterruptedException, MemcachedException, TimeoutException {
        return memcachedClient.cas(key,expiry,newValue,cas);



package com.zja.entity;


public class UserDTO implements Serializable{
    private String id;
    private String username;
    private Integer age;

    public String getId() {
        return id;

    public void setId(String id) { = id;

    public String getUsername() {
        return username;

    public void setUsername(String username) {
        this.username = username;

    public Integer getAge() {
        return age;

    public void setAge(Integer age) {
        this.age = age;

    public String toString() {
        return "UserDTO{" +
                "id='" + id + '\'' +
                ", username='" + username + '\'' +
                ", age=" + age +

package com.zja.controller;

import com.zja.entity.UserDTO;
import com.zja.util.XMemcachedUtil;
import net.rubyeye.xmemcached.MemcachedClient;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

 * @author ZhengJa
 * @description Memcached 缓存测试
 * @data 2019/11/12

public class XMemcachedController {

    private MemcachedClient memcachedClient;

    private XMemcachedUtil xMemcachedUtil;


     * 字符串保存
     * @param
     * @return java.lang.Object
    public Object saveStr() throws Exception {

        boolean result = memcachedClient.set("xmemcached", 0, "使用 xmemcached 存储数据");
        //boolean result = xMemcachedUtil.add("xmemcached","使用 xmemcached 存储数据",0);

        System.out.println("保存结果 result= "+result);

        String value = memcachedClient.get("xmemcached");
        System.out.println("获取value=" + value);
        return value;

    public Object deleteStr() throws Exception {
        boolean delete = memcachedClient.delete("xmemcached");
        System.out.println("删除结果 delete: "+delete);

        String value2 = memcachedClient.get("xmemcached");
        System.out.println("获取 value2=" + value2);
        return "执行成功!";


     * 对象保存-对象需要序列化
     * @param
     * @return java.lang.Object
    public Object saveObject() throws Exception {

        UserDTO userDTO =new UserDTO();

        boolean result = memcachedClient.set("userdto", 0, userDTO);
        System.out.println("保存结果 result= "+result);

        UserDTO userdto = memcachedClient.get("userdto");
        System.out.println("获取userdto=" + userdto);
        return userdto;

    public Object deleteObject() throws Exception {
        boolean delete = memcachedClient.delete("userdto");
        System.out.println("删除结果 delete: "+delete);

        UserDTO userdto = memcachedClient.get("userdto");
        System.out.println("获取userdto=" + userdto);
        return userdto;

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