modified |
2021-09-28 07:45:35 +0200 |
Useful software and frameworks
- PyInstaller
- Jedi installation
- Pyupgrade
- Python mini projects
- Intermediate Python
- Python Cheatsheet
- Urwid
- 10 Tools Python Programmers Can Learn in 2022
- 5 Python open-source tools to extract text and tabular data from PDF Files
- Py2app
- SnakeViz
- Textualize/textual: Textual is a TUI (Text User Interface) framework
- PyScript | Run Python in your HTML
- codophobia/python-code-snippets: Code snippets on how to use different features in Python 3
- Bootstrap Cheatsheet
- Hover
- LayoutIt - Bootstrap 4 Interface Builder
- Layoutit Grid — CSS Grids layouts made easy!
-Modern TypeScript and React Development in Vim
- exa · a modern replacement for ls
- File Analyzer
- Todux
- Visidata
- Bat
- 5 Rust tools worth trying on the Linux command line
- 20 one-line Linux commands to add to your toolbox
- Powerful Terminal And Command-Line (CLI) Tools For Modern Web Development
- Neofetch for Git repository
- nicolargo/glances: Glances an Eye on your system
- onceupon/Bash-Oneliner: A collection of handy Bash One-Liners and terminal tricks for data processing and Linux system maintenance.]
- yuki-yano/fzf-preview.vim
- junegunn/fzf.vim
- turbio/bracey.vim
- rhysd/git-messenger.vim
- ap/vim-css-color
- mileszs/ack.vim
- tpope/vim-capslock
- Weather API
- Comuni JSON
- Github Readme Stats
- 7Timer! - numerical weather forecast for anywhere over the world
- Umbrel
- Radicale - Free and Open-Source CalDAV and CardDAV Server
- n8n-io/n8n: Free and source-available fair-code licensed workflow automation tool.
- Snibox - A self-hosted snippet manager
- Qrcode generator with api
- Semmle code analyzer
- How to Generate Temporary Email Addresses Using the Linux Terminal
- KeepassXC Integration in Qutebrowser
- Stocazzo as a Service
- editor
- stevemao/github-issue-templates: A collection of GitHub issue and pull request templates
- Catima, carte fedeltà sullo smartphone - Le Alternative