All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- types: Improve (fd45d926)
- types: Enable writing migration files in Typescript (51cc078f)
- npm: exclude irrelevant files from releases (abea0955)
- changelog: update changelog (e7c6e95b)
- proxy: add proxy and raw-proxy config (551058bf)
- headers: add feature to user agent header (4a5b87ea)
- Update deps (5c236db0)
- Pass "makeRequest" and config to migration script
- Imporove usage as library
- Improve docs
- make cli env aware
- add package-lock.json
- [e2e] increase timeouts
- [readme] Added link to Content modelling guide under Content type section
- [readme] Added description to Symbol and Text in createField
- interpret yes flag as boolean
- add transformEntries & deriveEntries
- [cli] add yes flag to skip confirmation
- [cli] allow absolute script paths
- make code work with 13-payload-validations
- clean build artifacts & re-build prior to release
- update copy of
- generate external sourcemaps
- inline executor in test/integration/migration
- [contributing] Mention typescript
- better separation of concerns & types
- [e2e] payload validations - added comments to example
- [e2e] payload validations tests
- [e2e] delete submitted by mistake not relevant example file
- [e2e] rename misleading tests purpose; added lint ignore config
- [e2e] added basic tests for payload validation errors
- Run linter after tests
- Include linter in npm test command
- [steps] allow migration script to be async
- Do not allow setting of same property multiple times
- [fields] Before id change, check if field exists
- [config] allow overriding the access-token from a command line flag
- [deleteCt] Adjust plan renderer
- [deleteCt] Check if deleted content type has entries
- [deleteCt] Add check for edits after deletes
- [deleteCt] Check for non-existing and duplicate deletes
- [deleteCt] Build payload and requests
- [deleteCt] Add delete method
- [deleteCt] Add docs
- [fields] Add changeFieldId method
- [dsl] field reordering
- [bin] unique migration id per execution
- [e2e] add 10sec timeout
- add simple e2e test and merge coverage reporting
- [chunks] Refactor chunks content type validation
- Remove content type id module. It did unnecessary stuff.
- [deleteCt] Add integration test
- Fix heading level
- [validations] add missing validations for field scope
- prefix error keys with the type and action
- don't require integration config in unit tests
- Format error message more clearly
- Do not report syntax errors as "file not found"
- ensure the main migration CLI code is covered too
- [examples] display field in example to an existing field
- [package] add keywords list
- [examples] add demo gif
- [validation] allow "Location" field type
- [docs] Fixed duplicated content
- [readme] Formatting and link fixes