The thermal and energy transport properties of villin headpiece, HP36, were studied by MD simulations based on the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) structure (PDB code: 1VII) by using Amber package and AmberTools 19. The protonation states of all ionizable residues were kept in their neutral solution states at pH = 7. We used a small time step for MD simulations for generating time series of the heat current and energy flow. Thus, we keep the system size as small as possible in this study. After the protein molecule was solvated by a truncated octahedral box of TIP3P water molecules with 2 sodium and 4 chloride ions, the total number of molecules for the simulation box was 7589. Amber ff19SB force field was used for protein molecule. For efficient long-range electrostatic calculations, the particle mesh Ewald (PME) method was used under periodic boundary condition.
The computational procedures are summarized in @fig:method.
We constructed two models of ferric FixLH dimer, (1) the ligand-free state (met-FixLH) and (2) the imidazole-bound state (met-FixLH-imd), based on the X-ray crystallographic structure of FixL dimer. It is known that the deletion of the transmembrane region from RmFixL, which corresponds to the PAS-A domain of BjFixL, gives rise to no significant defect in the signaling functions.[@shiro2002] Besides, the A'α and Jα helices are involved in the formation of the dimer interface, and considering the potential influence of the FixLHs dimer interface on the signaling process, 142 residues from E128 to L269 are considered in the subsequent MD simulations.
For both protein structures, the N- and C- termini were capped with uncharged ACE (acetyl) and NME (N-methylamine) groups, respectively. For both systems, we modeled the histidines H235 and H259 (H144, H150, H162, H200, H214) as neutral forms with each epsilon (delta) nitrogen protonated. All other residues were considered in their standard protonation state at pH = 7.0. The systems were solvated with the TIP3P[@price2004] water molecules in a periodic cubic box, and sodium ions were used to neutralize the systems, then, additional Na and Cl ions were added to achieve a salt concentration of ~ 0.15 M. Each solvated system contains about ~ 60, 000 atoms.
All molecular simulations were performed by Amber 14. The Amber ff14SB force field[@maier2015] was used to model the standard residues of the proteins except for H200, tuned force field from quantum calculations at @sec:parameterization was used to model the heme, ligands, and H200.
The long-range electrostatic interactions were treated with the particle mesh Ewald method[@essmann1995] and nonbonded particle-particle interactions[@duan2001] were considered using a 9.0 Å cutoff. The time step for all MD simulations was set as 2.0 fs and SHAKE was used to constrain hydrogens for product run MD simulations. To prevent the dissociation of A'α helices, a harmonic restraint with a spring force of 10 kcal/mol·Å^2^ was applied on the bond between two CA atoms of residue I128 of chain A and chain B.
After minimization, heating, and equilibration of the systems (SI Appendix has a full description of the procedures of this section), 20 independent NPT MD simulations were performed for 55 ns at conditions of T = 300 K and P = 0.978 atm, to conduct the conformational samplings. From the last 5-ns trajectory of each NPT simulation, 10 snapshots with their atomic coordinates and velocity information were saved every 0.5 ns, from each of which we conducted 200 sets of independent 1-ns constant volume, constant energy (NVE) MD simulations. The atomic coordinates and velocities of NVE MD simulations were saved every 10 fs for the further calculations of energy flow and energy conductivity of native contacts.
We evaluated a measure of energy transport, denoted by G, between each pair of residues in native contact[@yamashita2018] using the CURrent calculations in Proteins (CURP) program developed by our lab ([@ishikura2012;@leitner2009;@yamato2022] The derivation process of G is as follows. The energy flow between two atoms can be described using the equation:
where k (= 1, 2, 3, ..., 200) is used to mark different trajectories
from NVE simulations;
where N is the total number of side-chain atoms in residue A or B; atoms i and j belong to the side chain of residue A and B, respectively. To calculate G, the equation of was used[@ota2019;@ishikura2015;@leitner2009]
Finally, the values of G were averaged,
where Ntraj = 200.[@ota2019;@leitner2009;@leitner2020a]
In this study, the
Here, we assume that the effective range of cross-correlation
is limited to only between adjacent residues along the
polypeptide chain.
According to @sec:method-cross-correlation,
the cross-correlation term was calculated and plotted in
Interestingly, we recognized the
secondary structure dependence of the cross-correlation effect,
i.e., the
After the allocation of the cross-correlation terms, all of the contribution factors decreased. The corrected contribution factors were plotted in [@fig:heat_after], which exhibits similar patterns with [@fig:heat_before], and the total intra-residue contribution (0.75) was about three times as much as that of the inter-residue contribution (0.26).
To quantitatively verify the short-range cross-correlation
assumption, we also calculated the second nearest
cross-correlation between residue
To examine the validity of linear-homopolymer-like model,
we compared the time-integrated ACF between
Using site-selective heat current analysis based on the linear-homopolymer-like model, we are allowed to evaluate the local thermal conductivity residuewise.
[@fig:residue_type] shows the residue-type dependence of the intra-residue contribution factors ([@fig:residue_type]).
The residue volume,
It has been accepted that the density is one of the important determinants of the thermophysical properties of materials.
The product of material density (
Regression analysis with cross-correlation correction (panel a) indicated that
For the HP36 protein, the subtotal contribution factor,
In molecular biophysics, vibrational energy relaxation of proteins has been a subject more familiar than the thermal transport property of proteins. In a pioneering study of excess energy dissipation in myoglobin [@mizutani1997], for example, Mizutani and Kitagawa demonstrated that the population of the
It is possible to estimate two parameters, i.e. the thermal diffusivity and temperature relaxation time, using the following equation[@bergman2011;@lervik2010;@kurisaki2023]
$$ \lambda = \frac{\rho c_pR^2}{\tau} = {\rho c_p} {\alpha} $$ {#eq:eq20}
The estimated value of
In the previous study on the thermal conductivity of hp36 protein,[@yamato2022] we used Amber ff14SB force-field for the protein atoms and TIP3P water model with the SHAKE constraints switched off, although it is an unusual usage of the TIP3P model.
It is known that anomalous diffusion occurs for simulations with the standard rigid TIP3P water model.[@wu2006;@takemura2007]
To examine the water-model dependence on the protein thermal conductivity, we used Amber ff19SB + TIP3P water model with the SHAKE constraints switched off only for protein in this study.
As mentioned above, the calculated value of
As described in the beginning of this chapter, the structure, dynamics and function of proteins are controlled by protein-solvent interactions. In particular, Straub, Leitner and coworkers reported seminal studies on the energy transport across the protein-water interfaces. Sagnella et al. observed spatially directed "funneling" of kinetic energy from heme to the surrounding solvent for the excess energy dissipation of myoglobin after flash photolysis.[@sagnella2001]
Agbo, Xu, Zhang, et al. examined the cytochrome c-water thermal conductance and demonstrated that the protein-water interface poses no greater Kapitza resistance to thermal flow than the protein itself.
It is interesting to note that the thermal conductance at the protein-solvent interfaces for different types and shapes of proteins exhibits different values of thermal conductance ranges from 100 to 330
To understand how different water models would affect thermal boundary conductance, it would be helpful to consider the vibrational density of states of the protein and water.[@xu2014a;@agbo2014a] In contrast to the previous study[@yamato2022], populations of some high frequency vibrational modes of solvents are missing in the present study with rigid TIP3P water model, leading to the decrease of thermal conductance at the protein-water interface. Accordingly, it is possible that the vibrational energy distribution, especially for the surface amino acid residues near the protein-water interface, would be affected. Also, it is possible that local heat capacities for such amino residues might be affected as well, leading to a change of protein thermal conductivity. To verify such hypothesis, we need further examination. Also, systematic studies on the influence of solvent models on the thermal transport properties of proteins and protein-solvent systems are needed to achieve more comprehensive understanding on the nature of protein-solvent systems.
The thermal transport property of an
To further investigate the local heat transport properties within protein interior, we first divided the entire molecule into 36 amino acid residues. Then, we introduced a theoretical model called linear-homopolymer-like model. We assumed that the heat flow mainly occurs along the polypeptide backbone as well as within each individual amino acid residue. Also, we assumed that the cross-correlation of partial heat currents between different regions is limited only within short-range. As a result, the model reproduced the exact value of the protein thermal conductivity, derived from the total heat current, within the accuracy of 1% error.
Interestingly, residuewise thermal conductivity demonstrated distinct residue-type dependence: their values decreased in the order of charged, polar, and hydrophobic residues.
unit in hartree
Spin = 2 | Spin = 4 | Spin = 6 | |
Met-Heme | -3402.1853060 | -3402.1959457 | \textcolor{red}{-3402.1976629} |
Imdazole-Heme | \textcolor{red}{-3627.8693349} | -3627.8189808 |
unit in kcal/mol
Spin = 2 | Spin = 4 | Spin = 6 | |
Met-Heme | -2134904.0 | -2134910.6 | \textcolor{red}{-2134911.7} |
Imdazole-Heme | \textcolor{red}{-2276522.9} | -2276491.3 |
$$ \bm{h} = \bm{\sum}{i}^N \bm{\sum}{j}^N ({\bm{r}_i}-{\bm{r}j}) {\frac{1}{2} \bm{F}{ij} \cdot ({\bm{v}_i} + {\bm{v}_j})} $$
$$ \bm{\sum}{{\alpha}=1}^{36} \tilde c{\alpha, \alpha} $$
$$ \bm{\sum}{{\alpha}=1}^{35} \tilde c{\alpha, \alpha+1} $$
$$ \lambda_{\alpha, \alpha} = \frac {1} {3V_{\alpha}k_BT^2} \bm{\int} \langle \bm{h}{\alpha, \alpha}(t) \cdot \bm{h}{\alpha, \alpha}(0) \rangle dt $$