diff --git a/docs/extend/extend-apiml/api-mediation-oidc-authentication.md b/docs/extend/extend-apiml/api-mediation-oidc-authentication.md index 9b86fd813b..d3b75b26f9 100644 --- a/docs/extend/extend-apiml/api-mediation-oidc-authentication.md +++ b/docs/extend/extend-apiml/api-mediation-oidc-authentication.md @@ -84,8 +84,7 @@ Ensure that the following prerequisites are met: - Users who require access to mainframe resources using OIDC authentication have a mainframe identity managed by SAF/ESM. - Client application users have their distributed identity managed by the OIDC provider. For details, see the section [OIDC provider](#oidc-provider-prerequisites) in this topic. - SAF/ESM is configured with mapping between the mainframe and distributed user identities. For details, see the section [ESM configuration](#esm-configuration-prerequisites) in this topic. -- If you are using Zowe release 2.14 or a later release, ensure that the API ML Gateway is configured to use the internal mapper functionality. For information about enabling the API ML mapper, see [Configure internal API ML mapper](../../user-guide/api-mediation/configuration-client-certificates.md#configure-internal-api-ml-mapper). Alternatively, enable ZSS in the Zowe installation. Note, however, that using the internal mapper is the recommended method. ZSS is enabled by default. - + ### OIDC provider prerequisites The Gateway service can be configured to provide OIDC client functionality and initiate OIDC authentication flow to obtain an access token. Provide the following configuration in your zowe.yaml file: