idataapi-transform is a pure python, full async support Toolkit, to transform data from one location/format to another location/format, provide command line interface for easy use, and python module with powerful features
It's currently used in IDataAPI team for efficiency work
You can read data from one of
- API(http)
- ES(ElasticSearch)
- Redis
- MongoDB
and convert to
- Redis
- MongoDB
- Kafka
- with asyncio support and share same API
- Baesd on Template Method and Factory Method
- Every failure network read operation will log to error log before retry 3(default) times
- Every failure network write operation will log to error log before retry 3(default) times
- Command line support for simple usage, python module provide more features
- Every Getter and Writer support filter, you can alter or drop your data in filter
- Auto header generation(csv/xlsx)/table generation(mysql) based on your data
- APIGetter, will request next page automatically,each page will retry max_retry before fail
- APIBulkGetter support bulk processing for APIGetter/url object, you can feed iterable object or async generator
- easy to use concurrent control for APIBulkGetter
- support normal call back and async call back
- persistent task to disk
- Requirment
- Installation
- Command line interface Example
- Python module support
- REDIS Usage
- ES Base Operation
- Config
- Doc String
- Change Log
- License
- python version >= 3.5.2
- If you need MySQL enable, your python version should be >= 3.5.3
- If you need MongoDB enable, your platform should not be windows
python3 -m pip install idataapi-transform
# shell, run
transform --help # explanation of each parameter and create configure file
# edit ~/idataapi-transform.ini to config elasticsearch hosts, redis, mysql etc...
# Install MySQL module, if your python version >= 3.5.3
python3 -m pip install 'PyMySQL<=0.9.2,>=0.9'
python3 -m pip install aiomysql
# Install MongoDB module, if your platform is not Windows
python3 -m pip install motor
- Read data from [API, ES, CSV, XLSX, JSON, Redis, MySQL, MongoDB]
- Write data to [CSV, XLSX, JSON, TXT, ES, Redis, MySQL, MongoDB]
will read at most 500 items from given index: knowledge20170517, and write to ./result.csv
transform ES csv "knowledge20170517" --max_limit=500
will read all items from given api url, until no more next page, and save to dest(/Users/zpoint/Desktop/result.xlsx), dest is optional, default is ./result.xlsx
transform API xlsx "http://xxx/post/dengta?kw=中国石化&apikey=xxx" "/Users/zpoint/Desktop/result"
will read items from json file, and save to ./result.csv
transform JSON csv "/Users/zpoint/Desktop/a.json"
will read items from csv file, and save to ./result.xlsx
transform CSV xlsx "./a.csv"
save csv with file encoding "gbk" (--w_encoding)
specific index: knowledge20170517, (knowledge20170517)
when read from Elasticsearch, specific request body (--query_body)
body = { "size": 100, "_source": { "includes": ["location", "title", "city", "id"] } }
before write to csv, add timestamp to each item, and drop items with null city (--filter)
# create a file name (any filename will be accepted) import time def my_filter(item): # function name must be "my_filter" item["createtime"] = int(time.time()) if item["city"]: return item # item will be write to destination # reach here, means return None, nothing will be write to destination
transform ES csv "knowledge20170517" --w_encoding gbk --query_body '{"size": 100, "_source": {"includes": ["location", "title", "city", "id"]}}' --filter ./
- redis key name: my_key
- redis store/read support LIST and HASH, default value is LIST, you can change it with --key_type parameter
will read data from ./a.csv, and save to redis LIST data structure, KEY: my_key
transform API redis "http://xxx/post/dengta?kw=中国石化&apikey=xxx" my_key
will read data from redis key my_key, read at most 100 data, and save to ./result.csv
transform Redis csv my_key --max_limit 100
- auto create table if not exist
will read data from API, read at most 50 data, and save to MySQL table: my_table
transform API MYSQL 'http://xxx' my_table --max_limit=50
will read data from MySQL table my_table, each read operation fetch 60 items, and save to a redis LIST name result, result is the default key name if you don't provide one
transform MYSQL redis my_table --per_limit=60
- you can provide --query_body
will read at most 50 data from "my_coll", and save to ./result.csv
transform mongo csv my_coll --max_limit=50
import asyncio
from idataapi_transform import ProcessFactory, GetterConfig, WriterConfig
async def example():
body = {
"size": 100,
"_source": {
"includes": ["likeCount", "id", "title"]
es_config = GetterConfig.RESConfig("post20170630", "news", max_limit=1000, query_body=body)
es_getter = ProcessFactory.create_getter(es_config)
csv_config = WriterConfig.WCSVConfig("./result.csv")
with ProcessFactory.create_writer(csv_config) as csv_writer:
async for items in es_getter:
# do whatever you want with items
if __name__ == "__main__":
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
import time
import asyncio
from idataapi_transform import ProcessFactory, GetterConfig, WriterConfig
yesterday_ts = int(time.time()) - 24 * 60 * 60
def my_done_if(items):
# RAPIConfig will fetch next page until
# 1. no more page or
# 2. reach max_limit or
# 3. error occurs
# if you want to terminate fetching in some condition, you can provide done_if function
if items[-1]["publishDate"] < yesterday_ts:
return True
return False
async def example():
api_config = GetterConfig.RAPIConfig("http://xxxx")
# or you can use: api_config = GetterConfig.RAPIConfig("http://xxxx", done_if=my_done_if)
getter = ProcessFactory.create_getter(api_config)
xlsx_config = WriterConfig.WXLSXConfig("./result.xlsx")
with ProcessFactory.create_writer(xlsx_config) as xlsx_writer:
async for items in getter:
# do whatever you want with items
if __name__ == "__main__":
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
import asyncio
from idataapi_transform import ProcessFactory, GetterConfig, WriterConfig
async def example():
csv_config = GetterConfig.RCSVConfig("./result.csv")
getter = ProcessFactory.create_getter(csv_config)
xlsx_config = WriterConfig.WXLSXConfig("./result.xlsx")
with ProcessFactory.create_writer(xlsx_config) as xlsx_writer:
for items in getter:
# do whatever you want with items
if __name__ == "__main__":
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
import asyncio
from idataapi_transform import ProcessFactory, GetterConfig, WriterConfig
async def example():
api_config = GetterConfig.RAPIConfig("http://xxx")
getter = ProcessFactory.create_getter(api_config)
redis_config = WriterConfig.WRedisConfig("key_a")
with ProcessFactory.create_writer(redis_config) as redis_writer:
async for items in getter:
# do whatever you want with items
await redis_writer.write(items)
if __name__ == "__main__":
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
import asyncio
from idataapi_transform import ProcessFactory, GetterConfig, WriterConfig
def my_filter(item):
# I am a filter
# Every getter or writer created by ProcessFactory.create can set up a filter
# every data will be pass to filter before return from getter, or before write to writer
# you can alter data here, or drop data here
if item["viewCount"] > 10:
return item
# if don't return anything(return None) means drop this data
async def example():
api_config = GetterConfig.RAPIConfig("http://xxxx", filter_=my_filter)
getter = ProcessFactory.create_getter(api_config)
mysql_config = WriterConfig.WMySQLConfig("my_table")
with ProcessFactory.create_writer(mysql_config) as mysql_writer:
async for items in getter:
# do whatever you want with items
await mysql_writer.write(items)
# await mysql_config.get_mysql_pool_cli() # aiomysql connection pool
# mysql_config.connection # one of the connection in previous connection pool
# mysql_config.cursor # cursor of previous connection
# you should alaways call 'await mysql_config.get_mysql_pool_cli()' before use connection and cursor
# provided by GetterConfig.RMySQLConfig and WriterConfig.WMySQLConfig
if __name__ == "__main__":
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
import asyncio
from idataapi_transform import ProcessFactory, GetterConfig, WriterConfig
async def example():
mongo_config = GetterConfig.RMongoConfig("coll_name")
mongo_getter = ProcessFactory.create_getter(mongo_config)
redis_config = WriterConfig.WRedisConfig("my_key")
with ProcessFactory.create_writer(redis_config) as redis_writer:
async for items in mongo_getter:
# do whatever you want with items
await mysql_writer.write(items)
# print(mongo_config.get_mysql_pget_mongo_cli()) # motor's AsyncIOMotorClient instance
# provided by GetterConfig.RMongoConfig and WriterConfig.WMongoConfig
if __name__ == "__main__":
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
import asyncio
from idataapi_transform import ProcessFactory, GetterConfig, WriterConfig
RAPIConfig support parameter:
max_limit: get at most max_limit items, if not set, get all
max_retry: if request fail, retry max_retry times
filter_: run "transform --help" to see command line interface explanation for detail
def url_generator():
for i in range(10000):
yield url % (i, ) # yield RAPIConfig(url % (i, )) will be OK
async def example():
# urls can be any iterable object, each item can be api url or RAPIConfig
# RAPIBulkConfig accept a parameter: interval,means interval between each async generator return
# if you set interval to 2 seconds,the async for will wait for 2 seconds before return,every data you get between these 2 seconds will be returned
urls = ["http://xxxx", "http://xxxx", GetterConfig.RAPIConfig("http://xxxx"), ...]
api_bulk_config = GetterConfig.RAPIBulkConfig(urls, concurrency=100)
api_bulk_getter = ProcessFactory.create_getter(api_bulk_config)
es_config = WriterConfig.WESConfig("profile201712", "user")
with ProcessFactory.create_writer(es_config) as es_writer:
async for items in api_bulk_getter:
# do whatever you want with items
await es_writer.write(items)
async def example2mongo():
urls = url_generator()
api_bulk_config = GetterConfig.RAPIBulkConfig(urls, concurrency=50)
api_bulk_getter = ProcessFactory.create_getter(api_bulk_config)
# you can config host.port in configure file,or pass as parameters,parameters have higher priority than configure file
mongo_config = WriterConfig.WMongoConfig("my_coll")
with ProcessFactory.create_writer(mongo_config) as mongo_writer:
async for items in api_bulk_getter:
# do whatever you want with items
await mongo_writer.write(items)
# ******************************************************
# Below is "async generator" example for RAPIBulkConfig
# keyword "yield" in "async" function only support for python3.6+,for python 3.5+ please refer below
# Only idataapi-transform version >= 1.4.4 support this feature
# ******************************************************
async def put_task2redis():
writer = ProcessFactory.create_writer(WriterConfig.WRedisConfig("test"))
await writer.write([
{"keyword": "1"},
{"keyword": "2"},
{"keyword": "3"}
async def async_generator():
I am async generator
getter = ProcessFactory.create_getter(GetterConfig.RRedisConfig("test"))
async for items in getter:
for item in items:
r = GetterConfig.RAPIConfig("http://xxx%sxxx" % (item["keyword"], ), max_limit=100)
yield r
async def example2json():
# await put_task2redis()
urls = async_generator()
api_bulk_config = GetterConfig.RAPIBulkConfig(urls, concurrency=30)
api_bulk_getter = ProcessFactory.create_getter(api_bulk_config)
json_config = WriterConfig.WJsonConfig("./result.json")
with ProcessFactory.create_writer(json_config) as json_writer:
async for items in api_bulk_getter:
# do whatever you want with items
if __name__ == "__main__":
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
import asyncio
from idataapi_transform import ProcessFactory, GetterConfig
async def example_simple():
# if return_fail set to true, after retry 3(default) times,
# still unable to get data error info will be returned in "bad_items"
url = "xxx"
config = GetterConfig.RAPIConfig(url, return_fail=True)
reader = ProcessFactory.create_getter(config)
async for good_items, bad_items in reader:
if len(bad_items) > 0:
err_obj = bad_items[0]
print(err_obj.response) # http body, if network down,it will be None
print(err_obj.tag) # tag you pass to RAPIConfig, default None
print(err_obj.source) # url you pass to RAPIConfig
print(err_obj.error_url) # the url that elicit error
async def example():
unfinished_id_set = {'246834800', '376796200', '339808400', ...}
config = GetterConfig.RAPIBulkConfig((RAPIConfig(base_url % (i,), return_fail=True, tag=i) for i in unfinished_id_set), return_fail=True, concurrency=100)
reader = ProcessFactory.create_getter(config)
async for good_items, bad_items in reader:
# A: When you set RAPIBulkConfig's return_fail to True,
# 1)normal url will retuen error info
# 2) RAPIConfig Object with return_fail set to True will retuen error info
# 3) RAPIConfig Object with return_fail set to False will not retuen error info
# B: Whrn you set RAPIBulkConfig's return_fail to False(default)
# None of the previous situitions will return error info, same as the API to ES example above
if __name__ == "__main__":
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
import asyncio
from idataapi_transform import ProcessFactory, GetterConfig, WriterConfig
call_back can be normal function or async funcion
only RAPIConfig support call_back parameter, call_back will be used after filter,
whatever call_back return will return to user
async def fetch_next_day(self, items):
""" for each item, fetch seven days in order, combine data and return to user """
prev_item = items[0]
date_obj = # get a timestamp or datetime object from prev_item
if date_obj not in seven_days:
call_back = None
call_back = self.fetch_next_day
getter_config = GetterConfig.RAPIConfig(url, call_back=call_back)
getter = ProcessFactory.create_getter(getter_config)
async for items in getter:
item = items[0]
item = combine(item, prev_item)
return [item]
async def fetch_next_day_with_return_fail(self, good_items, bad_items):
""" for each item, fetch seven days in order, combine data and return to user """
if bad_items:
# error in current level
prev_item = good_items[0]
date_obj = # get a timestamp or datetime object from prev_item
if date_obj not in seven_days:
call_back = None
call_back = self.fetch_next_day_with_return_fail
getter_config = GetterConfig.RAPIConfig(url, call_back=call_back, return_fail=True)
getter = ProcessFactory.create_getter(getter_config)
async for good_items, bad_items in getter:
if bad_items:
# next level retrn error, how to handle it?
return None, bad_items
item = good_items[0]
item = combine(item, prev_item)
return [item], bad_items
async def start(self):
id_set = {...a set of id...}
url_generator = (GetterConfig.RAPIConfig(base_url % (id_, ), call_back=fetch_next_day) for id_ in self.id_set)
bulk_config = GetterConfig.RAPIBulkConfig(url_generator, concurrency=20, interval=1)
bulk_getter = ProcessFactory.create_getter(bulk_config)
with ProcessFactory.create_writer(...) as writer:
async for items in bulk_getter:
await writer.write(items)
async def start_with_return_fail(self):
id_set = {...a set of id...}
url_generator = (GetterConfig.RAPIConfig(base_url % (id_, ), call_back=fetch_next_day) for id_ in self.id_set, return_fail=True)
bulk_config = GetterConfig.RAPIBulkConfig(url_generator, concurrency=20, interval=1, return_fail=True)
bulk_getter = ProcessFactory.create_getter(bulk_config)
with ProcessFactory.create_writer(...) as writer:
async for items in bulk_getter:
await es_writer.write([i for i in good_items if i is not None])
if __name__ == "__main__":
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
import asyncio
from idataapi_transform import ProcessFactory, GetterConfig, WriterConfig
### persistent -> only RAPIBulkConfig support this parameter,it's a boolean value, means whether to persist finished job ID to disk, default value is False
### if persistent set to True, and you provide a batch of jobs to RAPIBulkConfig, because of the non-blocking event driven architecture,we can't simply record an order to disk, we create a json file in the working directory,and persist every finished job ID to disk, when program restart,it will load this json file,and won't execute those job that has been executed before
### persistent_key -> the json file name, to identify record of which batch of jobs
### persistent_start_fresh_if_done -> if all jobs done, whether remove the persistent json file, if the persistent file hasn't been removed and all of the jobs finished, next time you run the program, there will be no job to schedule, default is True
### persistent_to_disk_if_give_up -> if there's a job fail after retry max_retry times, whether regard this job as success and persistent to disk or not, default is True
async def exapmle():
urls = [
GetterConfig.RAPIConfig("http://xxx", persistent_to_disk_if_give_up=True)
getter = ProcessFactory.create_getter(GetterConfig.RAPIBulkConfig(urls, persistent=True, persistent_to_disk_if_give_up=False))
async for items in getter:
if __name__ == "__main__":
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
import asyncio
from idataapi_transform import ProcessFactory, GetterConfig, WriterConfig
async def example_simple():
# default key_type is LIST in redis
# you can pass parameter "encoding" to specify how to encode before write to redis, default utf8
json_lists = [...]
wredis_config = WriterConfig.WRedisConfig("my_key")
writer = ProcessFactory.create_writer(wredis_config)
await writer.write(json_lists)
# get async redis client
client = await wredis_config.get_redis_pool_cli()
# if you instance a getter_config, you can get client by 'getter_config.get_redis_pool_cli()'
# then, you can do watever you want in redis
r = await client.hset("xxx", "k1", "v1")
async def example():
# specify redis's key_type to HASH, default is LIST
# compress means string object is compressed by zlib before write to redis,
# we need to decompress it before turn to json object
# you can pass parameter "need_del" to specify whether need to del the key after get object from redis, default false
# you can pass parameter "direction" to specify whether read data from left to right or right to left, default left to right(only work for LIST key type)
getter_config = GetterConfig.RRedisConfig("my_key_hash", key_type="HASH", compress=True)
async for items in reader:
if __name__ == "__main__":
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
import asyncio
from idataapi_transform import ProcessFactory, GetterConfig
async def example():
# max_limit: means get at most max_limit items, if you don't provide it, means read all items
# you can provide your query_body to es_config
es_config = GetterConfig.RESConfig("post20170630", "news", max_limit=1000)
es_getter = ProcessFactory.create_getter(es_config)
async for items in es_getter:
if __name__ == "__main__":
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
import asyncio
from idataapi_transform import ProcessFactory, WriterConfig
def my_hash_func(item):
# generate ES_ID by my_hash_func
return hashlib.md5(item["id"].encode("utf8")).hexdigest()
async def example():
json_lists = [#lots of json object]
# actions support create, index, update default index
# you can ignore "id_hash_func" to use default function to create ES_ID, see "API to ES in detail" below
es_config = WriterConfig.WESConfig("post20170630", "news", actions="create")
es_writer = ProcessFactory.create_writer(es_config)
await es_writer.write(json_lists)
if __name__ == "__main__":
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
import asyncio
import json
from idataapi_transform import ProcessFactory, WriterConfig
async def example():
# wrapper of delete_by_query API
body = {"size": 100, "query": {"bool": {"must": [{"term": {"createDate": "1516111225"}}]}}}
writer = ProcessFactory.create_writer(WriterConfig.WESConfig("post20170630", "news"))
r = await writer.delete_all(body=body)
async def example_no_body():
# same as above, without , delete all
writer = ProcessFactory.create_writer(WESConfig("post20170630", "news"))
r = await writer.delete_all()
if __name__ == "__main__":
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
import time
import asyncio
from idataapi_transform import ProcessFactory, WriterConfig, GetterConfig
Every es document need an _id
There are two rules to generate _id for ES inside this tool
1) iF privide "id_hash_func" parameter when create WESConfig Object, _id will be id_hash_func(item)
2) if rule 1 fail to match and the data(dictionary object) has key "id" and key "appCode",_id will be md5(appCode_id)
3) if rule 1 and rule 2 both fail to match, _id will be md5(str(item))
# global variables
now_ts = int(time.time())
def my_filter(item):
# I am a filter
# Every getter or writer created by ProcessFactory.create can set up a filter
# every data will be pass to filter before return from getter, or before write to writer
# you can alter data here, or drop data here
if "posterId" in item:
return item
# if don't return anything(return None) means drop this data
async def example():
# urls can be any iterable object, each item can be api url or RAPIConfig
urls = ["http://xxxx", "http://xxxx", "http://xxxx", RAPIConfig("http://xxxx", max_limit=10)]
# set up filter,drop every item without "posterId"
api_bulk_config = GetterConfig.RAPIBulkConfig(urls, concurrency=100, filter_=my_filter)
api_bulk_getter = ProcessFactory.create_getter(api_bulk_config)
# you can also set up filter here
# createDate parameter set same "createDate" for every data written by this es_writer
# Of course,you can ignore "createDate", es_writer will set every data's "createDate" to the current system's timestamp when it performs write operation, you can disable it by parameter auto_insert_createDate=False
# add parameter "appCode" for every data so that it can generate _id by rule 1
es_config = WriterConfig.WESConfig("profile201712", "user", createDate=now_ts)
with ProcessFactory.create_writer(es_config) as es_writer:
async for items in api_bulk_getter:
# do whatever you want with items
await es_writer.write(items)
if __name__ == "__main__":
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
import asyncio
import json
from idataapi_transform import ProcessFactory, WriterConfig
async def example():
writer = ProcessFactory.create_writer(WriterConfig.WESConfig("post20170630", "news"))
client = writer.config.es_client
# a client based on elasticsearch-async, you can read offical document
if __name__ == "__main__":
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
By default, program will load config file in the following order
- the ini file your specific(see below)
- ./idataapi-transform.ini
- ~/idataapi-transform.ini
if none of the configure file exists, program will create ~/idataapi-transform.ini automatically and use it as default
By default, program will log to file configured in idataapi-transform.ini, and also log to console, all of the log will be formatted If you don't want any of it, you can disable it
from idataapi_transform import ManualConfig
If you want to specific your own configure file
from idataapi_transform import ManualConfig
If you want to change log directory in the run time
from idataapi_transform import ManualConfig
# at most 5MB per log file
ManualConfig.set_log_path("/Users/zpoint/Desktop/logs/", 5242880)
from idataapi_transform import GetterConfig, WriterConfig
# run help on config to see detail
will request until no more next_page to get, or get "max_limit" items
:param source: API to get, i.e. "http://..."
:param per_limit: how many items to get per time
:param max_limit: get at most max_limit items, if not set, get all
:param max_retry: if request fail, retry max_retry times
:param random_min_sleep: if request fail, random sleep at least random_min_sleep seconds before request again
:param random_max_sleep: if request fail, random sleep at most random_min_sleep seconds before request again
:param session: aiohttp session to perform request
:param args:
:param kwargs:
api_config = RAPIConfig("http://...")
api_getter = ProcessFactory.create_getter(api_config)
async for items in api_getter:
import asyncio
from idataapi_transform import ProcessFactory, GetterConfig, WriterConfig, ManualConfig
async def example():
urls = [
api_bulk_config = GetterConfig.RAPIBulkConfig(urls, concurrency=1)
api_bulk_getter = ProcessFactory.create_getter(api_bulk_config)
kafka_config = WriterConfig.WKafkaConfig()
with ProcessFactory.create_writer(kafka_config, topic="news") as kafka_writer:
async for items in api_bulk_getter:
# do whatever you want with items
await kafka_writer.write(items)
if __name__ == "__main__":
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
v 1.6.6 - 1.6.9
- redis manual db fix
- keep_other_fields, keep_fields
- mysql charset
- self define http headers
v 1.6.3 - 1.6.4
- persistent to disk
- debug mode support
v 1.5.1 - 1.6.1
- random sleep float seconds support
- es specific host && headers
- RAPIGetter HTTP POST support
- xlsx/csv headers, append mode support
v 1.4.7 - 1.5.1
- done_if param support
- manual success_ret_code config for user
- xlsxWriter replace ilegal characters automatically
v 1.4.4 - 1.4.6
- RAPIBulkGetter support async generator
- ini config relative path support, manual config support
v 1.4.3
- fix logging bug
- max_limit limit number of data before filter
- report_interval add for APIGetter
v 1.4.1
- call_back support
- mongodb auth support and motor 2.0 support
- mongodb support
- fix APIBulkGetter incompleted data bug
- 3.5 compatiable
- ESGetter get all data instead of half
- compatible with elasticsearch-async-6.1.0
- ESClient singleton
v 1.2.0
- mysql support
- redis support
- retry 3 times for every write operation
- ES create operation
- shorter import directory
v.1.0.1 - 1.1.1
- fix es getter log error
- unclose session error for elasticsearch
- fix ES infinity scroll
- fix bug (cli)
- es_client msearch support
- fix XLSX reader
- return_fail for APIGetter
- compatible for aiohttp 3.x
- fix ESWriter log bug
- timeout add for ESWriter
- filter for every getter
- createDate for ESWriter
- APIGetter per_liimt bug fix
- new session for all RAPIBulkConfig
- error logging when unable to insert to target for ESWriter
- actions parameter add for WESConfig
- id_hash func change for ESWriter
- remove APIGetter infinity loop for empty result
- No error when read empty item from ESGetter
- fetch more items for ESGetter in CLI per request
- per_limit param fix for ESGetter in CLI
- appCode for ESWriter Config
- ESGetter CLI bug fix
- doc string for each config
- RAPIBulkConfig support