Every contribution is welcome. Please use the information below to get started.
Please, feel free to open an issue or a pull request if you have any questions or suggestions.
This dictionary contains the terms used in the library and their meaning.
The effective cache instance.
The Map containing the method executions in a given timeframe.
The Map containing the running queries (Promises yet to be fulfilled).
Please, refer to the Cache Stampede section for more information.
The value calculated based on candidate conditions which is then compared to the requestsThreshold.
If the value is greater than the requestsThreshold, the execution is considered to be in exceeding amount and the result will be cached.
When a requestsThreshold
is provided, the exceeding amount is calculated as the number of requests in the timeframe.
When a millisecondThreshold
is provided, the exceeding amount is calculated as the number of requests exceeding the millisecondThreshold
in the timeframe.
When a candidateFunction
is provided instead, the exceeding amount is virtually ignored, and the result will be cached if the candidateFunction
returns true.
In the codebase, the exceeding amount is forced to the requestsThreshold
value when the candidateFunction
returns true.