NSDictionary+ImageMetadata and NSDictionary-MetadataDatasource are two categories for working with image metadata provided by the ImageIO framework.
The complete list of properties can be found in the [CGImageProperties reference] (https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/graphicsimaging/reference/CGImageProperties_Reference/Reference/reference.html)
NSDictionary+ImageMetadata provides a simple interface for searching and working with metadata provided by ImageIO and AssetsLibrary frameworks.
NSDictionary-MetadataDatasource builds upon ImageMetadata methods and provides NSIndexPath based interface as well as a simple UITableViewDatasource implementation.
// Local Image
NSDictionary *metadata = [NSDictionary imageMetadataWithImageAtURL:self.imageURL];
**Note: you can pass in a remote URL but the call is synchronous and with no error handling so it’s not recommended.
// ALAsset
ALAssetRepresentation *myRep....
NSDictionary *metadata = [myRep metadata];
To obtain a value for a CGImageProperty request the key from the dictionary.
NSString *apetureValue= [metadata sgg_valueForProperty:(id)kCGImagePropertyExifApertureValue];
NSDictionary-MetadataDatasource Example :
[super viewDidLoad];
// keep a reference to the metadata since our tableview won’t retain it.
self.metadata = [NSDictionary imageMetadataWithImageAtURL:self.imageURL];
self.tableView.dataSource = self.metadata;
##License## NSDictionary+ImageMetadata and NSDictionary-MetadataDatasource is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.