A simple application build with ruby on rails and mysql2 to complete the assignment with basic CURD method
- Ruby on Rails.
- Mysql2.
- Bootstrap
- Ruby,rails,bundler installed in your system
- XAMP/WAMP/MAMP installed in your system form mysql database
- Postman for testing api
Download this repo from the link from top right corner run to download the required gems
Database creation start your apache server XAMP/WAMP/MAMP create databse with name blog
Database initialization run to migrate database
run You are good to go
- How to check api Go to post man select method [ GET/POST/PATCH/DELET ] Give api path https://localhost:3000/api/V1/articles for articles provide data in json format using body/row { "title":"this is title", "body":"this is content" } Give api path https://localhost:3000/api/V1/triangles for triangle provide data in json format using body/row { "a":"24", "b":"20", "c":"3" } Then send the request.