Used and Owner is crans.near, modify the contract if you want to have the access.
Contract Structure:
/owner_id: The account that can modify the contract.
/base_url: The base URL for all pages.
/pages: A map of path strings to file names.
Functions: a. new(owner_id: AccountId, base_url: String):
/Initializes the contract.
/Sets the owner and base URL.
/Adds a default index page.
b. add_page(path: String, file_name: String):
/Adds a new page to the contract.
/Only the owner can call this.
c. get_page_url(path: String) -> Option:
/Retrieves the full URL for a given path.
d. set_base_url(new_base_url: String):
/Changes the base URL.
/Only the owner can call this.
e. get_base_url() -> String:
/Retrieves the current base URL.
f. web4_get(request: Web4Request) -> Web4Response:
/Handles Web4 requests.
/Returns appropriate responses based on the requested path.