This repository holds the Secret Llama Agency smart contract (Solana program).
The address of the program is: GUSxqUfUdqchfErA3DrW1jNVJKGdMpxt71AeDkJJtG5R.
The wallet currently owning the program is: X1d8FSWgsM3QRjqLu9XboBRF2gSk3w6kP3tKGifWvxL.
In order to be able to re-deploy (or update) this program, the Anchor.toml file must be updated with:
wallet = "<path_to_wallet_keypair_file>"
Once that is done, the on-chain program can be updated by running the script
NOTE: this command is likely to fail a few times before succeeding. This is often due to Solana being congested.