The 2015 T-ShirtRobot is the Westwood High School (FRC Team 1757) robotics team's presentation of our efforts and ability in engineering and design. This code project runs the program in our specific development environment and will be used as an example to consult through the year; as such we will try to maintain our best coding practice and set a strong model.
This project is designed and debugged for the sole purpose of functioning within our specific development environment consisting of:
Development PC- Dell Lattitude (model number)
- Intel Core i5 (model number)
- 4gB RAM
- Windows 7 (edition) x64 (build)
- JRE 8 x64 Update 66
- JDK 8 x64 Update 66
- Eclipse (version/ build number)
- FRC toolchain (latest release- 1.0.14080)
- WPILib Java Packages (latest release-
- ECF "Cola" Collaboration plugin (latest release- 3.11.0.v20150925-2135)
Standard FRC RoboRio
Microsoft Lifecam 3000
Logitech Gamepad F310
2x Logitech Attack 3 Joystick (Tank drive)