- Birth June 14, 1996, Republic of Korea 🇰🇷
- Nationality Korean
- Language First Language Korean, Fluent in English
- Email [email protected]
- github 1pha
- gists 1pha
- notion oopy
Explanation Map for Convolutional Neural Nets
- It's always interesting to see how and where CNNs look at the input image to do their work. I am doing research about methodology of how to extract what models see. Starting from traditional Grad-CAM, SmoothGrad and now working on SCOUTER and trying to come up with new methods.
Neuroimaging with Deep Learning
- Decoding Neural activations with fMRI data. Current fMRI analyzing data relies on statistical models and I anticipate that the deep learning model would be a novel approach to this. Since neuroscience, neuroimaging nourished deep learning fields in many ways, I think this would help oppositely too. Some people already took their step to this and very thankful for what they've done and trying to continue their work.
- Interested in finding the basis of emotions and personality. Theories such as Big5 or MBTIs can well explain personality but it is biased with a self-prediction error. Trying to come up with emotional models like two-dimensional models of emotions — valence and arousals — which is quite explainable and mapping them into mathematics makes sense to me. Also finding their neural substrates would be an awesome job.
- Mar. 2020 ~ Present Korea University, Dept. of Artificial Intelligence
- Artificial Intelligence Department
- Advisor Professor Christian Wallraven
- Mar. 2015 ~ Feb. 2019 University of Seoul, Dept. of Physics
- Worked for Quantum Information Processing Lab
- GPA 3.82 / 4.5
- Jan. 2021 ~ May. 2022 UpStage Boostcamp AI Tech 2021, 2022, AI Project Mentor
- BoostCamp AI Tech AI Tech 1, 2, 3기 프로젝트 멘토
- Aug. 2020 ~ Dec. 2020 모두의 연구소 SBA 야간주말 빅데이터/인공지능 교육과정 퍼실리테이터
- 모두의 연구소와 서울산업진흥원이 협력하여 재직자 대상으로 진행된 빅데이터/인공지능 교육과정 퍼실리테이터로 약 4개월 근무
- 복습 자료 Github
- Feb. 2021 AI Factory 2021 구강계질환 의료영상 인공지능 경진대회 - 치아 식별 모델 구축 과제 3등 입상
- Sept. 2020 BigContest 챔피언스리그 본선진출 (16/570)
- July. 2020 Kakao Melon Playlist Continuation (11/785)
- Project Github
- Project Notion
- Public Leaderboard 10/785
- Final Leaderboard 11/785
- June. 2020 Dacon Bio-Optical Data Prediction (17/315)
2018 Scholarship for Tutoring, University of Seoul, Korea
2018 Scholarship for Studying Overseas, University of Seoul, Korea
2017 Scholarship from Supporting Program for University Specialization in Captial , University of Seoul, Korea
2017 Scholarship for Excellent Achievement, University of Seoul, Korea
2017 Global Leader Scholarship, University of Seoul, Korea
2017 Scholarship for Excellent Achievement, University of Seoul, Korea
2016 Scholarship for Studying Overseas, University of Seoul, Korea