npm install
npm run build
There are currently 3 different configurations that the tests can be run in, which correspond to the 3 json files in the config/env
NODE_ENV=private-public npm run test
Tests against the two nodes (called 'private' and 'public') running in our infra. Requires no local nodes.
NODE_ENV=local_client-public npm run test
Tests integration between a local node and the 'public' node in our infra. Before running tests a ceramic node connected to the dev-unstable network must be running on the same machine. The tests communicate to the local node via an http-client.
NODE_ENV=local_node-private npm run test
Tests integration between a local node and the 'private' node in our infra. Before running tests an ipfs node must be running on the same machine. The tests start an in-process ceramic node (connected over http to the local ipfs node).
Note that this is the only configuration that meaningfully runs the 'ceramic_state_store' test,
as it's the only configuration in which the test has the ability to restart the ceramic node.
Since the 'ceramic_state_store' test tests integration with S3, you also need to set the proper
environment variables for the S3 bucket configuration and access keys in order to run the
tests in the local_node-private
Create a .env
file with the requisite environment variables filled in:
Run the tests using the following commands:
docker-compose build --force-rm --no-cache
docker-compose up [suite] --detach
docker-compose logs -f
can be one of private-public
, local_client-public
, or local_node-private
, or it can be left empty to run all the test suites.