A GUI file manager for Linux based OS for the microbit with the MicroPython runtime. Only tested with Microbit V1.
Also works with Windows, but throws connection error when an action has executed. Wait a moment and click list and it's all ok.
I was unable to find a file manager to suit my needs, so I created one.
Select file locations on your local system for uploads and downloads.
View contents of files on the Microbit directly in the application - no need to download and then navigate to and open the file.
Edit and save files on the Mircobit - simple text editor for basic edits.
Delete files on the Microbit.
Clone the repository (must have git installed)
git clone https://github.com/4-3is4-me/Microbit-File-Manager.git
pip install guizero, microfs, uflash
pip3 install guizero, microfs, uflash
cd Microbit-File-Manager
python MicroFS.py
python3 MicroFS.py
To use Microbit File Manager you must have the MicroPython runtime installed on the Microbit. This creates the file system for the File Manager to access. Being able to save files on the Microbit is useful for data logging.
Microbit File Manager contains the latest version of MicroPython for the Microbit V1.
To flash the V1 MicroPython to your Microbit, plug the Microbit in to a USB port, open Microbit File Manager and select Create from the menu.
Once the MicroPython runtime is flashed to the Microbit, you may use Microbit File Manager to manage the files. To get started, please refer to the MIcrobit MicroPython documentation. Essentially, to run MicroPython code on the Microbit, you must have a file called main.py with the contents of your code uploaded to the Microbit file system.
Do not confuse the Microbit USB Mass Storage as the Microbit file system - they are separate. You will not be able to access the files in the file system from the USB Mass Storage.
The Microbit USB Mass Storage must be mounted to flash the MicroPython runtime.
- Test with Microbit V2.
- Add V2 version of MicroPython and version check.
- Package as executable.
This is not a professional application, use at your own risk. I will not be responsible for issues created by the use of this application.
If you would like some poorly drawn icons for your application, please don't contact me!