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Merged in DSC-1253 (pull request DSpace#852)
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Approved-by: Giuseppe Digilio
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vins01-4science authored and atarix83 committed Oct 12, 2023
2 parents 26e625a + 4ad96a2 commit 1188ab4
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Showing 3 changed files with 156 additions and 230 deletions.
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@@ -1,224 +1,141 @@
// // Load the implementations that should be tested
// import { ChangeDetectorRef, Component, CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA } from '@angular/core';
// import { ComponentFixture, fakeAsync, inject, TestBed, tick, waitForAsync, } from '@angular/core/testing';
// import { Chips } from './models/chips.model';
// import { UploaderService } from '../uploader/uploader.service';
// import { BrowseMostElements } from './chips.component';
// import { NgbModule } from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap';
// import { By } from '@angular/platform-browser';
// import { FormFieldMetadataValueObject } from '../form/builder/models/form-field-metadata-value.model';
// import { createTestComponent } from '../testing/utils.test';
// import { AuthorityConfidenceStateDirective } from '../authority-confidence/authority-confidence-state.directive';
// import { TranslateModule } from '@ngx-translate/core';
// import { ConfidenceType } from '../../core/shared/confidence-type';
// import { SortablejsModule } from 'ngx-sortablejs';
// import { environment } from '../../../environments/environment';
// describe('ChipsComponent test suite', () => {
// let testComp: TestComponent;
// let chipsComp: BrowseMostElements;
// let testFixture: ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;
// let chipsFixture: ComponentFixture<BrowseMostElements>;
// let html;
// let chips: Chips;
// // waitForAsync beforeEach
// beforeEach(waitForAsync(() => {
// TestBed.configureTestingModule({
// imports: [
// NgbModule,
// SortablejsModule.forRoot({ animation: 150 }),
// TranslateModule.forRoot()
// ],
// declarations: [
// BrowseMostElements,
// TestComponent,
// AuthorityConfidenceStateDirective
// ], // declare the test component
// providers: [
// ChangeDetectorRef,
// BrowseMostElements,
// UploaderService
// ],
// });
// }));
// describe('', () => {
// // synchronous beforeEach
// beforeEach(() => {
// html = `
// <ds-chips
// *ngIf="chips.hasItems()"
// [chips]="chips"
// [editable]="editable"
// (selected)="onChipSelected($event)"></ds-chips>`;
// testFixture = createTestComponent(html, TestComponent) as ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;
// testComp = testFixture.componentInstance;
// });
// it('should create Chips Component', inject([BrowseMostElements], (app: BrowseMostElements) => {
// expect(app).toBeDefined();
// }));
// });
// describe('when has items as string', () => {
// beforeEach(() => {
// chips = new Chips(['a', 'b', 'c']);
// chipsFixture = TestBed.createComponent(BrowseMostElements);
// chipsComp = chipsFixture.componentInstance; // TruncatableComponent test instance
// chipsComp.chips = chips;
// chipsFixture.detectChanges();
// });
// afterEach(() => {
// chipsFixture.destroy();
// chipsComp = null;
// });
// it('should emit when a chip item is removed', fakeAsync(() => {
// spyOn(chipsComp.chips, 'remove');
// const item = chipsComp.chips.getChipByIndex(1);
// chipsComp.removeChips(new Event('click'), 1);
// chipsFixture.detectChanges();
// tick();
// expect(chipsComp.chips.remove).toHaveBeenCalledWith(item);
// }));
// it('should save chips item index when drag and drop start', fakeAsync(() => {
// const de = chipsFixture.debugElement.query(By.css('li.nav-item'));
// de.triggerEventHandler('dragstart', null);
// expect(chipsComp.dragged).toBe(0);
// }));
// it('should update chips item order when drag and drop end', fakeAsync(() => {
// spyOn(chipsComp.chips, 'updateOrder');
// const de = chipsFixture.debugElement.query(By.css('li.nav-item'));
// de.triggerEventHandler('dragend', null);
// expect(chipsComp.dragged).toBe(-1);
// expect(chipsComp.chips.updateOrder).toHaveBeenCalled();
// }));
// });
// describe('when has items as object', () => {
// beforeEach(() => {
// const item = {
// mainField: new FormFieldMetadataValueObject('main test', null, 'test001', 'main test', 0, ConfidenceType.CF_ACCEPTED),
// relatedField: new FormFieldMetadataValueObject('related test', null, 'test002', 'related test', 0, ConfidenceType.CF_ACCEPTED),
// otherRelatedField: new FormFieldMetadataValueObject('other related test')
// };
// chips = new Chips([item], 'display', 'mainField', environment.submission.icons.metadata);
// chipsFixture = TestBed.createComponent(BrowseMostElements);
// chipsComp = chipsFixture.componentInstance; // TruncatableComponent test instance
// chipsComp.showIcons = true;
// chipsComp.chips = chips;
// chipsFixture.detectChanges();
// });
// it('should show icon for every field that has a configured icon', () => {
// const de = chipsFixture.debugElement.query(By.css('li.nav-item'));
// const icons = de.queryAll(By.css('i.fas'));
// expect(icons.length).toBe(4);
// });
// it('should show tooltip on mouse over an icon', () => {
// const de = chipsFixture.debugElement.query(By.css('li.nav-item'));
// const icons = de.queryAll(By.css('i.fas'));
// icons[0].triggerEventHandler('mouseover', null);
// expect(chipsComp.tipText).toEqual(['main test']);
// });
// });
// describe('hasWillBeGenerated', () => {
// beforeEach(() => {
// chips = new Chips([]);
// chipsFixture = TestBed.createComponent(BrowseMostElements);
// chipsComp = chipsFixture.componentInstance; // TruncatableComponent test instance
// chipsComp.chips = chips;
// chipsFixture.detectChanges();
// });
// it('should return true if authority starts with will be generated and false otherwise', () => {
// const metadata = 'dc.title';
// let chip;
// chip = { item: { 'dc.title': { authority: 'will be generated::'}}} as any;
// expect(chipsComp.hasWillBeGenerated(chip, metadata)).toEqual(true);
// chip = { item: { 'dc.title': { authority: ''}}} as any;
// expect(chipsComp.hasWillBeGenerated(chip, metadata)).toEqual(false);
// });
// });
// describe('hasWillBeReferenced', () => {
// beforeEach(() => {
// chips = new Chips([]);
// chipsFixture = TestBed.createComponent(BrowseMostElements);
// chipsComp = chipsFixture.componentInstance; // TruncatableComponent test instance
// chipsComp.chips = chips;
// chipsFixture.detectChanges();
// });
// it('should return true if authority starts with will be referenced and false otherwise', () => {
// const metadata = 'dc.title';
// let chip;
// chip = { item: { 'dc.title': { authority: 'will be referenced::'}}} as any;
// expect(chipsComp.hasWillBeReferenced(chip, metadata)).toEqual(true);
// chip = { item: { 'dc.title': { authority: ''}}} as any;
// expect(chipsComp.hasWillBeReferenced(chip, metadata)).toEqual(false);
// });
// });
// describe('getWillBeReferencedContent', () => {
// beforeEach(() => {
// chips = new Chips([]);
// chipsFixture = TestBed.createComponent(BrowseMostElements);
// chipsComp = chipsFixture.componentInstance; // TruncatableComponent test instance
// chipsComp.chips = chips;
// chipsFixture.detectChanges();
// });
// it('should return the value of the reference if present, null otherwise', () => {
// const metadata = 'dc.title';
// let chip;
// chip = { item: { 'dc.title': { authority: 'will be referenced::ORCID::0000'}}} as any;
// expect(chipsComp.getWillBeReferencedContent(chip, metadata)).toEqual('ORCID::0000');
// chip = { item: { 'dc.title': { authority: ''}}} as any;
// expect(chipsComp.getWillBeReferencedContent(chip, metadata)).toEqual(null);
// });
// });
// });
// // declare a test component
// @Component({
// selector: 'ds-test-cmp',
// template: ``
// })
// class TestComponent {
// public chips = new Chips(['a', 'b', 'c']);
// public editable = true;
// }
import { ComponentFixture, TestBed, waitForAsync } from '@angular/core/testing';
import { ChangeDetectorRef, CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowseMostElementsComponent } from './browse-most-elements.component';
import { SearchService } from '../../core/shared/search/search.service';
import { of } from 'rxjs';
import { PaginatedSearchOptions } from '../search/models/paginated-search-options.model';
import { SortDirection, SortOptions } from '../../core/cache/models/sort-options.model';
import { PaginationComponentOptions } from '../pagination/pagination-component-options.model';
import { APP_CONFIG } from '../../../config/app-config.interface';
import { ItemSearchResult } from '../object-collection/shared/item-search-result.model';
import { Item } from '../../core/shared/item.model';
import { createSuccessfulRemoteDataObject } from '../remote-data.utils';
import { buildPaginatedList } from '../../core/data/paginated-list.model';
import { PageInfo } from '../../core/shared/page-info.model';
import { followLink } from '../utils/follow-link-config.model';

describe('BrowseMostElementsComponent', () => {
let component: BrowseMostElementsComponent;
let fixture: ComponentFixture<BrowseMostElementsComponent>;

const mockResultObject: ItemSearchResult = new ItemSearchResult();
mockResultObject.hitHighlights = {};

mockResultObject.indexableObject = Object.assign(new Item(), {
bundles: of({}),
metadata: {
'dc.title': [
language: 'en_US',
value: 'This is just another title'
'dc.type': [
language: null,
value: 'Article'
'': [
language: 'en_US',
value: 'Smith, Donald'
'': [
language: null,
value: '2015-06-26'
const mockResponse = createSuccessfulRemoteDataObject(buildPaginatedList(new PageInfo(), [mockResultObject]));

const mockSearchService = {
search: jasmine.createSpy('search').and.returnValue(of(mockResponse)), // Replace with your desired response

const mockConfig = {
browseBy: {
showThumbnails: true

beforeEach(waitForAsync(() => {
declarations: [BrowseMostElementsComponent],
providers: [
{ provide: APP_CONFIG, useValue: mockConfig },
{ provide: SearchService, useValue: mockSearchService },
{ provide: ChangeDetectorRef, useValue: {} },
schemas: [CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA], // Ignore unknown Angular elements

beforeEach(() => {
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(BrowseMostElementsComponent);
component = fixture.componentInstance;
component.paginatedSearchOptions = new PaginatedSearchOptions({
configuration: 'test',
pagination: Object.assign(new PaginationComponentOptions(), {
id: 'search-object-pagination',
pageSize: 5,
currentPage: 1
sort: new SortOptions('dc.title', SortDirection.ASC)

it('should create', () => {
component.showThumbnails = true;

it('should call on ngOnInit with followLinks', () => {
component.showThumbnails = true;


it('should call on ngOnInit with followLinks', () => {
component.showThumbnails = undefined;


it('should call on ngOnInit without followLinks', () => {
component.showThumbnails = false;


it('should update searchResults after searchService response', () => {


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