Sample implementations of the Commom Component Specification
- Startup Manager: In community review
- Service Manager: Draft, interfaces used in code are based on a best guess
- Session Manager: Draft, interfaces used in code are based on a best guess
- Business Entity: In community review
These samples are dependent on the CCSSSS (Startup-, Service- and Session-Manager spec) and the CCSBE Business Entity spec.. The interfaces can be downloaded here:
- boot.p Framework bootstrap procedure, typically AppServer startup
- invoke-custom-service.p Sample invoking custom service
- get-customer-by-abstract-query.p Sample reading data using abstract query
- get-customer-by-querystring.p Sample reading data using ABL query string
- get-matches-by-named-query.p Sample reading data using named query
- [update-customer.p] (Consultingwerk/CcsSamples/BusinessEntity/Customer/update-customer.p) Sample updating Customer records using the Business Entity
The custom service IEuro2016ResultService is implemented in two variants:
- Euro2016ResultService using a Business Entity for data retrieval
- OnlineEuro2016ResultService using a public REST service for data retrieval
Based on the session startup parameter (-param) one of the two services is used:
- -param managers=Consultingwerk\CcsSamples\managers.xml,services=Consultingwerk\CcsSamples\services.xml
- -param managers=Consultingwerk\CcsSamples\managers.xml,services=Consultingwerk\CcsSamples\services-online.xml
The service instance is maintained by the Service Manager.