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C#: RpDateTime extensions.
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Caparow committed Nov 19, 2024
1 parent 26b927c commit 97b0d1c
Showing 1 changed file with 93 additions and 48 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -437,83 +437,102 @@ class CSBaboonTranslator(defnTranslator: CSDefnTranslator,
val rpDateTimeSource =
q"""/** Reduced to milliseconds precision DateTime */
|public readonly struct RpDateTime
|public readonly struct RpDateTime : $csIComparable, $csIComparable<RpDateTime>, $csIEquatable<RpDateTime>
| internal readonly $csDateTime Underlying;
| public readonly $csDateTime DateTime;
| public RpDateTime(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, int millisecond, DateTimeKind kind)
| {
| Underlying = new $csDateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, kind);
| DateTime = new $csDateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, kind);
| }
| public RpDateTime(long ticks, $csDateTimeKind kind)
| {
| Underlying = $baboonTimeFormats.TruncateToMilliseconds(ticks, kind);
| DateTime = $baboonTimeFormats.TruncateToMilliseconds(ticks, kind);
| }
| public RpDateTime(DateTime dateTime)
| {
| Underlying = $baboonTimeFormats.TruncateToMilliseconds(dateTime);
| DateTime = $baboonTimeFormats.TruncateToMilliseconds(dateTime);
| }
| public override int GetHashCode()
| {
| return Underlying.GetHashCode();
| return DateTime.GetHashCode();
| }
| public override bool Equals(object? obj)
| {
| if (obj is RpDateTime other)
| {
| return other.Underlying.ToUniversalTime() == Underlying.ToUniversalTime();
| }
| if (obj is not RpDateTime other) return false;
| return other.DateTime.ToUniversalTime() == DateTime.ToUniversalTime();
| }
| return false;
| public bool Equals(RpDateTime other)
| {
| if (other == null!) return false;
| return other.DateTime.ToUniversalTime() == DateTime.ToUniversalTime();
| }
| public override string ToString() => $baboonTimeFormats.ToString(this);
| public long Ticks => Underlying.Ticks;
| public DateTimeKind Kind => Underlying.Kind;
| public RpDateTime ToUniversalTime() => new RpDateTime(Underlying.ToUniversalTime());
| public RpDateTime ToLocalTime() => new RpDateTime(Underlying.ToLocalTime());
| public RpDateTime LocalDate => new RpDateTime(Underlying.ToLocalTime().Date);
| public RpDateTime Date => new RpDateTime(Underlying.Date);
| public TimeSpan GetUtcOffset() => $csTimeZoneInfo.Local.GetUtcOffset(Underlying);
| public TimeSpan Subtract(RpDateTime right) => Underlying.ToUniversalTime().Subtract(right.Underlying);
| public RpDateTime Subtract(TimeSpan span) => new RpDateTime(Underlying.Subtract(span));
| public RpDateTime Add(TimeSpan value) => new RpDateTime(Underlying.Add(value));
| public RpDateTime AddTicks(long value) => new RpDateTime(Underlying.AddTicks(value));
| public RpDateTime AddMilliseconds(double value) => new RpDateTime(Underlying.AddMilliseconds(value));
| public RpDateTime AddSeconds(double value) => new RpDateTime(Underlying.AddSeconds(value));
| public RpDateTime AddMinutes(double value) => new RpDateTime(Underlying.AddMinutes(value));
| public RpDateTime AddHours(double value) => new RpDateTime(Underlying.AddHours(value));
| public RpDateTime AddDays(double value) => new RpDateTime(Underlying.AddDays(value));
| public RpDateTime AddMonths(int value) => new RpDateTime(Underlying.AddMonths(value));
| public RpDateTime AddYears(int value) => new RpDateTime(Underlying.AddYears(value));
| public override string ToString() => BaboonDateTimeFormats.ToString(this);
| public long Ticks => DateTime.Ticks;
| public DateTimeKind Kind => DateTime.Kind;
| public RpDateTime ToUniversalTime() => new RpDateTime(DateTime.ToUniversalTime());
| public RpDateTime ToLocalTime() => new RpDateTime(DateTime.ToLocalTime());
| public RpDateTime LocalDate => new RpDateTime(DateTime.ToLocalTime().Date);
| public RpDateTime Date => new RpDateTime(DateTime.Date);
| public TimeSpan GetUtcOffset() => TimeZoneInfo.Local.GetUtcOffset(DateTime);
| public TimeSpan Subtract(RpDateTime right) => DateTime.ToUniversalTime().Subtract(right.DateTime);
| public RpDateTime Subtract(TimeSpan span) => new RpDateTime(DateTime.Subtract(span));
| public RpDateTime Add(TimeSpan value) => new RpDateTime(DateTime.Add(value));
| public RpDateTime AddTicks(long value) => new RpDateTime(DateTime.AddTicks(value));
| public RpDateTime AddMilliseconds(double value) => new RpDateTime(DateTime.AddMilliseconds(value));
| public RpDateTime AddSeconds(double value) => new RpDateTime(DateTime.AddSeconds(value));
| public RpDateTime AddMinutes(double value) => new RpDateTime(DateTime.AddMinutes(value));
| public RpDateTime AddHours(double value) => new RpDateTime(DateTime.AddHours(value));
| public RpDateTime AddDays(double value) => new RpDateTime(DateTime.AddDays(value));
| public RpDateTime AddMonths(int value) => new RpDateTime(DateTime.AddMonths(value));
| public RpDateTime AddYears(int value) => new RpDateTime(DateTime.AddYears(value));
| public int DiffInFullHours(RpDateTime other) => (int) (this - other).TotalHours;
| public int DiffInFullDays(RpDateTime other) => (int) (this - other).TotalDays;
| public int DiffInFullWeeks(RpDateTime other) => DiffInFullDays(other) / 7;
| public int DiffInFullMonths(RpDateTime other) => Date == other.Date ? 0 : (Year - other.Year) * 12 + Month - other.Month + GetMonthsDiffByDays(other);
| public int DiffInFullYears(RpDateTime other) => DiffInFullMonths(other) / 12;
| public static RpDateTime Now => new RpDateTime($csDateTime.Now);
| public static RpDateTime UtcNow => new RpDateTime($csDateTime.UtcNow);
| public static RpDateTime Epoch => new RpDateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, $csDateTimeKind.Utc);
| public static RpDateTime MinValue => new RpDateTime($csDateTime.MinValue);
| public static RpDateTime MaxValue => new RpDateTime($csDateTime.MaxValue);
| public int Year => Underlying.Year;
| public int Month => Underlying.Month;
| public int Day => Underlying.Day;
| public int DayOfYear => Underlying.DayOfYear;
| public int Year => DateTime.Year;
| public int Month => DateTime.Month;
| public int Day => DateTime.Day;
| public int DayOfYear => DateTime.DayOfYear;
| public $csTimeSpan TimeOfDay => DateTime.TimeOfDay;
| public $csDayOfWeek DayOfWeek => DateTime.DayOfWeek;
| public $csTimeSpan TimeOfDay => Underlying.TimeOfDay;
| public $csDayOfWeek DayOfWeek => Underlying.DayOfWeek;
| public int CompareTo(object obj)
| {
| if (obj is RpDateTime dt) return DateTime.CompareTo(dt.DateTime);
| throw new ArgumentException("Argument is not RpDateTime.");
| }
| public int CompareTo(RpDateTime other)
| {
| return other == null! ? DateTime.CompareTo(null) : DateTime.CompareTo(other.DateTime);
| }
| public static RpDateTime operator -(RpDateTime left, $csTimeSpan delta)
| {
| return new RpDateTime(left.Underlying - delta);
| return new RpDateTime(left.DateTime - delta);
| }
| public static RpDateTime operator +(RpDateTime left, $csTimeSpan delta)
| {
| return new RpDateTime(left.Underlying + delta);
| return new RpDateTime(left.DateTime + delta);
| }
| public static bool operator ==(RpDateTime left, RpDateTime right)
Expand All @@ -528,35 +547,57 @@ class CSBaboonTranslator(defnTranslator: CSDefnTranslator,
| public static TimeSpan operator -(RpDateTime left, RpDateTime right)
| {
| return left.Underlying.ToUniversalTime() - right.Underlying.ToUniversalTime();
| return left.DateTime.ToUniversalTime() - right.DateTime.ToUniversalTime();
| }
| public static bool operator >(RpDateTime left, RpDateTime right)
| {
| return left.Underlying.ToUniversalTime() > right.Underlying.ToUniversalTime();
| return left.DateTime.ToUniversalTime() > right.DateTime.ToUniversalTime();
| }
| public static bool operator <(RpDateTime left, RpDateTime right)
| {
| return left.Underlying.ToUniversalTime() < right.Underlying.ToUniversalTime();
| return left.DateTime.ToUniversalTime() < right.DateTime.ToUniversalTime();
| }
| public static bool operator <=(RpDateTime left, RpDateTime right)
| {
| return left.Underlying.ToUniversalTime() <= right.Underlying.ToUniversalTime();
| return left.DateTime.ToUniversalTime() <= right.DateTime.ToUniversalTime();
| }
| public static bool operator >=(RpDateTime left, RpDateTime right)
| {
| return left.Underlying.ToUniversalTime() >= right.Underlying.ToUniversalTime();
| return left.DateTime.ToUniversalTime() >= right.DateTime.ToUniversalTime();
| }
| public static implicit operator RpDateTime($csDateTime dt) => new(dt);
| public static implicit operator $csDateTime(RpDateTime dt) => dt.Underlying;
| public static implicit operator $csDateTime(RpDateTime dt) => dt.DateTime;
| public static RpDateTime Parse($csString dt) => $baboonTimeFormats.FromString(dt);
| private class JsonConverter : $nsJsonConverter<RpDateTime>
| private int GetMonthsDiffByDays(RpDateTime other)
| {
| var thisDaysInMonth = DateTime.DaysInMonth(Year, Month);
| var otherDaysInMonth = DateTime.DaysInMonth(other.Year, other.Month);
| var thisDay = thisDaysInMonth < otherDaysInMonth ? Day : thisDaysInMonth == Day ? otherDaysInMonth : Day;
| var otherDay = otherDaysInMonth < thisDaysInMonth ? other.Day : otherDaysInMonth == other.Day ? thisDaysInMonth : other.Day;
| if (this < other)
| {
| if (thisDay > otherDay) return 1;
| if (thisDay == otherDay && TimeOfDay > other.TimeOfDay) return 1;
| }
| else
| {
| if (thisDay < otherDay) return -1;
| if (thisDay == otherDay && TimeOfDay < other.TimeOfDay) return -1;
| }
| return 0;
| }
| private sealed class JsonConverter : $nsJsonConverter<RpDateTime>
| {
| public override void WriteJson($nsJsonWriter writer, RpDateTime value, $nsJsonSerializer serializer)
| {
Expand All @@ -565,7 +606,7 @@ class CSBaboonTranslator(defnTranslator: CSDefnTranslator,
| public override RpDateTime ReadJson($nsJsonReader reader, $csTpe objectType, RpDateTime existingValue, bool hasExistingValue, $nsJsonSerializer serializer)
| {
| return $baboonTimeFormats.FromString((string)reader.Value!);
| return $baboonTimeFormats.FromString((string) reader.Value!);
| }
| }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -625,7 +666,7 @@ class CSBaboonTranslator(defnTranslator: CSDefnTranslator,
| public static String ToString(RpDateTime dt)
| {
| return dt.Underlying.ToString(dt.Underlying.Kind == $csDateTimeKind.Utc ? TsuDefault : TszDefault, $csInvariantCulture.InvariantCulture);
| return dt.DateTime.ToString(dt.DateTime.Kind == $csDateTimeKind.Utc ? TsuDefault : TszDefault, $csInvariantCulture.InvariantCulture);
| }
| public static RpDateTime FromString(String dt)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1088,6 +1129,10 @@ object CSBaboonTranslator {
CSType(csLinqPkg, "Enumerable", fq = false)
val csRandom: CSType =
CSType(csSystemPkg, "Random", fq = false)
val csIComparable: CSType =
CSType(csSystemPkg, "IComparable", fq = false)
val csIEquatable: CSType =
CSType(csSystemPkg, "IEquatable", fq = false)

val csImmutableDictionary: CSType =
CSType(csCollectionsImmutablePkg, "ImmutableDictionary", fq = false)
Expand Down

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