This is an implementation of Sea-Thru. The original paper by Derya Akkaynak and Tali Treibitz can be found here. Data can be found here.
You will need python3 as well as all the packages in the requirements.txt
file, as well as tkinter (on Ubuntu, sudo apt install python3-tk
I extended their method to use a CNN-based monocular depth estimation technique called monodepth2, which can be found here. Check out the report for more information!
# install the requirements
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# download the dataset
wget ""
# generate the image
# can use either RAW files or PNG/JPG
python3 --image Raw/T_S04858.ARW --depth-map depthMaps/depthT_S04858.tif
## If you want to run the monocular depth estimation pipeline
# install deps
git submodule update --init --recursive
python3 --monodepth-add-depth 1.0 --monodepth-multiply-depth 3.0 --image Raw/T_S04858.ARW --raw --output output-monodepth.png
Output with estimated depths (ranging from 1.0-4.0 meters):
The monodepth pipeline can also be used with PNG/JPEG images by omitting the --raw
option. For each image, the --monodepth-add-depth
parameter controls the minimum depth
that the estimation will output, and the --monodepth-multiply-depth
controls the range of depths as follows:
output_depths = monodepth_multiply_depth + (monodepth_multiply_depth * monodepth_depths)
where monodepth_depths
range from 0 to 1.
This option also works well as a dehazing routine for foggy scenes: