19.07.30~ 19.08.01: Style Transfer 관련 배경지식, 논문 공부
- A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style
- Perceptual Losses for Real-Time Style Transfer and Super-Resolution
- kaggle_kernel by greg115
19.08.02~ 19.08.10: 각자 다양한 방법으로 모델/코드 뜯어보기
- 규원: Comparison of VGG16 and vGG19 model with output images from 5 content images and 5 style images
- 도은: VGG16, VGG19 모델 Layers Visualisation. Trying different performance comparison tests(eg. cropped image transfer)
- 세영 : content layer 17개 해체 및 다시 combining
- 제훈: convolution feature map visualization & noise image visualization
- 지선: hyperparameter 조정, multi-style-image
path = "StyleTransfer/data/vgg19_weights.h5"
OpenCV를 사용한 Neural Style Transfer trial output