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Ivan Ermilov edited this page Jul 9, 2013 · 9 revisions

Here is a short presentation describing the process of conversion of the CSV files to RDF using csvimport plugin in OntoWiki.

The steps that you should follow to transform a CSV file to RDF are following:

  • Create an empty Knowledge Base
    • Log in, if necessary.
    • In "Knowledge Bases" left-side menu click on "Edit" -> "Create Knowledge Base".
    • Fill in the "Knowledge Base URI", select "Create an Empty Knowledge Base" and then click on the "Create Knowledge Base" button on the top right.
    • Your knowledge base should appear on the "Knowledge Bases" menu.
  • Highlight your knowledge base with the mouse and click on the icon to bring up the menu, select "Import CSV Data".
    • Select "Statistical data (uses DataCube mapping)" click on "Browse" and locate the .csv file that you wish to convert.
  • Imported file will appear as a table.
    • Click on "Add Dimension", "Add Attribute", "Add Metric" to select the corresponding values for each of the components.
    • Click on "Select Data Range" to select the range of values ie from the top left corner to the bottom right corner.
    • Click on "Extract Triples".
    • A prompt will appear to "Save Template". Provide a name for the template and save it. Then click on "Extract triples".
  • After the triples have been extracted, you will get a confirmation message. Then you may click on the knowledge base to browse the triples.
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