tsmerger - merge input from multiple DVB ground stations into a single output stream
Created by Philip Heron [email protected]
Dependencies: libjson-c-dev
apt install libjson-c-dev
tsmerge accepts incoming TS Streams in UDP Packets on port 5678 as MPEG-TS.
It will then attempt to merge the TS Streams in realtime in order to give the best possible output.
The output is available on a TCP Socket on port 5679 as MPEG-TS.
For more information on internal operation see TSMERGING.md
tspush accepts MPEG-TS from stdin, will filter invalid/padding packets, and upload the remainder to a tsmerge instance on a remote host over UDP.
This application accepts multiple arguments, see ./tspush -h
tsinfo accepts MPEG-TS from stdin, and on completion of the input, will print statistics on the MPEG-TS stream recognised. This is useful for determining the bitrate, validity, padding rate, and PCR rate, of MPEG-TS samples.
stats-monitor/monitor is a node daemon that will serve a realtime tsmerge monitoring webpage on http://localhost:5800/. The daemon will listen to statistics and status output, by tsmerge on a local UDP port, and will feed these to the webpage in realtime via socketio.
To install npm dependencies: cd stats-monitor && npm install
To run: stats-monitor/monitor
Phil Crump [email protected]