Automation Test Framework for WAKU project using python/docker the objective of the project is to write 2 test cases [test_basic_node_operation – test_Inter_Node_Communication ]
1- clone the repo 2- make sure the following installed
- python 3.10 or higher
packages in python
- docker in python version 5.0.3 or 7.1.0 use command pip3 install docker
- logging
- time
- json
- sys
- os
to run the main file of the test cases follow the following steps 1- open terminal in same location of 2- type python3
test cases will run and you can check the logs in terminal
when running the above cmmaond test cases will run as following
as shown in the diagram the testcase class send requests to waku_handler class
waku handler manage all requests needed by the test class .
Rest handler manage all interactions of system calls like sending requests to get REST APIs data and send shell requests .
Docker handler manage all requests regarding docker in python .
all time sleep added shall be provided as input to check the response of the system . but since timeout isn't provided it's set based on response logging_custom class is used from stackoverflow question in the following link .
Test case [ test_node_up ] is considered as smoke test or entry test to determine wether the main tests shal run or not but it’s not impelmented as it is not the scope of the task .
-precondition test case isn’t impelemented but it shall include additional preconditions for entring the test cases
-post condition test case is impelemnted to ensure that all open resources are closed after the test case .
-there are features not impelmented like automatic port assignation and getting the subnet & gateway as the scope is limited to the 2 test cases only