JAAL 2.0
Past due by over 2 years
83% complete
Version 2.0
development: June-July 2022
Continues from JAAL 1.1
- nested steps
- model answer: save JSAV gradeable-step as major step, other steps
as minor steps, each inside one major step - player: match gradeable-step major steps
- model answer: save JSAV gradeable-step as major step, other steps
- nested steps
- SVG compression: save only changing SVG data between steps
reintegrate Recorder and Player int…
Version 2.0
development: June-July 2022
Continues from JAAL 1.1
- nested steps
- model answer: save JSAV gradeable-step as major step, other steps
as minor steps, each inside one major step - player: match gradeable-step major steps
- model answer: save JSAV gradeable-step as major step, other steps
- nested steps
- SVG compression: save only changing SVG data between steps
reintegrate Recorder and Player into A+ LMS
supported JSAV exercises
- Prim's algorithm