My Solution to Airbnb: New User Bookings Competition on Kaggle
- Airbnb is an online platform where people can list or rent properties for short-term use. Be it an entire home, a spare bedroom or even a sofa, anyone looking to earn some profit can promote their space on Airbnb.
- New users on Airbnb can book a place to stay in 34,000+ cities across 190+ countries.
- The platform was launched in 2008.
Multiclass Classification
Given a list of users along with their demographics, web session records, and some summary statistics, the objective is to predict the top 5 travel destinations in decreasing order of relevance for each of the new user.
- Observations:
- Training Users: 213,451
- Test Users: 62,096
- Session Records: 10,567,737
- Features:
- users: 15
- sessions: 6
- train_users_2.csv - the training set of users
- test_users.csv - the test set of users
- id: user id
- date_account_created: the date of account creation
- timestamp_first_active: timestamp of the first activity, note that it can be earlier than date_account_created or date_first_booking because a user can search before signing up
- date_first_booking: date of first booking
- gender
- age
- signup_method
- signup_flow: the page a user came to signup up from
- language: international language preference
- affiliate_channel: what kind of paid marketing
- affiliate_provider: where the marketing is e.g. google, craigslist, other
- first_affiliate_tracked: whats the first marketing the user interacted with before the signing up
- signup_app
- first_device_type
- first_browser
- country_destination: this is the target variable you are to predict
- sessions.csv - web sessions log for users
- user_id: to be joined with the column 'id' in users table
- action
- action_type
- action_detail
- device_type
- secs_elapsed
- countries.csv - summary statistics of destination countries in this dataset and their locations.
- age_gender_bkts.csv - summary statistics of users' age group, gender, country of destination.
- sample_submission.csv - correct format for submitting your predictions.
- SciKit-Learn
- NumPy
- Pandas
- SciPy
- XGBoost
- Visualization:
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn
- Training Score: 83.07%
- Test Score: 88.13%
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