This project is an experimental, work-in-progress Python client library for accessing Alfresco Content Services via its v1 Public ReST API. This project mostly evolves based on the needs I or my customers may have in our projects, or as interested community members contribute pull requests.
As I am fairly new to Python development in general, this project may not follow any of the standard packaging / distribution patterns common in the Python ecosystem / community. Currently, the easiest way to include this library in a project would be to clone it into a directory 'alfpyclient' located in one of the Python lookup paths.
git clone [email protected]:Acosix/alfresco-python-client.git alfpyclient
This project uses the following dependencies in addition to standard / built-in APIs:
A client connection can be established in the following ways
from alfpyclient.common.connections import connect
# authenticate using password
client = connect('<serverAddress>/alfresco', 'admin', 'admin')
# alternatively using named parameters
client = connect('<serverAddress>/alfresco', userName='admin', password='admin')
# authenticate using a pre-established authentication ticket
client = connect('<serverAddress>/alfresco', ticket='<ticketId>')
Errors in the execution of a ReST request as indicated by the HTTP status code of the server response will be raised as exceptions defined in the alfpyclient.common.errors package, unless already handled by API services / object representations of this project to accommodate sensible operation flows. The following exception types are currently defined:
- RequestError (generic)
- BadRequest
- Unauthorized
- Forbidden
- NotFound
- Conflict
- InternalServerError
Each exception instance will define the instance members statusCode and message, providing as much detail as provided in the server response by Alfresco.
from alfpyclient.api.sites import SitesAPI
sitesApi = SitesAPI(client)
# retrieve a named site
mySite = sitesApi.getSite('<shortname>')
# retrieve a named site with optional parameters restricting loaded data to specified fields
# the field 'id' will always be forced to load internally, even if not specified
mySite = sitesApi.getSite('<shortname>', fields=['title', 'description'])
# accessing high-level properties (if not loaded due to restricted fields, site will be re-loaded with requested field added in fields restriction list)
# access the node representing the site
siteNode = mySite.getSiteNode()
# access special container nodes
doclib = mySite.getDocumentLibrary()
calendar = mySite.getCalendar()
links = mySite.getLinks()
# optional import + lookup (unless reference to node already retrieved via other APIs, e.g. SitesAPI)
from alfpyclient.api.nodes import NodesAPI
nodesApi = NodesAPI(client)
companyHome = nodesAPI.getCompanyHome()
sharedFiles = nodesAPI.getSharedFiles()
myFiles = nodesAPI.getMyFiles()
# simple ID based lookup
anyNode = nodesAPI.getNode('<id>')
# extended, parameterised lookup
# the field 'id' will always be forced to load internally, even if not specified in fields list
anyNode = nodesAPI.getNode('<id>', relativePath='path/to/target', fields=['name', 'nodeType', 'path'], path=True)
# full named parameter list: relativePath:str, fields:List[str], allowableOperations:bool, permissions:bool, path:bool, isLink:bool, isFavorite:bool, isLocked:bool
# accessing high-level properties (if not loaded due to restricted fields, site will be re-loaded with requested field added in fields restriction list, potentially also adding flags to explicitly request additional data, e.g. such as path / permissions)
# any sub-structures (except for properties) will be regular Dict / List instances
# full details on the structure of a node can be obtained from the documentation at!/nodes/getNode
# accessing properties / simple metadata
# properties is a slightly enhanced Dict instance
# properties supports fallback with automatic addition of cm: prefix
# as any Dict, properties can be iterated (fallback names without prefix will not be included)
for propertyName in
print(propertyName + ': ' + properties[propertyName])
# accessing associations
# targetAssociations are pointing from the node to other nodes
# sourceAssociations are pointing from other nodes to the node
# both structures are slightly enhanced Dict instances which lazily load entries as requested, so they cannot be iterated over to access all existing associations
originals = anyNode.targetAssociations['cm:original']
if len(originals) == 1:
print('Node was created as a copy of ' + originals[0].id
# source + targetAssociations support fallback with automatic addition of cm: prefix
originals = anyNode.targetAssociations['original']
# resolving a descendant node by path
descendant = anyNode.resolveChildPath('path/to/node')
# accessing children
# like regular associations, childAssociations is a slightly enhanced Dict instance which lazily loads entries
# this type of access will always only list the first 100 children for a specific type of child association
# fallback with automatic addition of cm: prefix is supported
# example: load regular file / folder contents of a folder via cm:contains
folderContents = folderNode.childAssociations['cm:contains']
for node in folderContents:
# download content of node into provided file
with open('path/to/' +, 'wb') as f:
# create a new node into folder and upload data
from alfpyclient.common.errors import Conflict
from alfpyclient.common.connections import connect
USER = "username"
PASSWORD = "password"
client = connect('<serverAddress>/alfresco', USER, PASSWORD)
node_id = "4efc2abb-e12c-4995-b2e4-f2ff5ee022ae" # folder uuid
opUrl = "nodes/%s/children" % node_id
with open('<yourDocument>', 'rb') as file:
files = {'filedata': file}
"name": "The name of your document in Alfresco",
"nodeType": "cm:content",
"overwrite": "true", # Allow versioning of your document
"cm:title": "Document title",
"cm:description": "Document description here",
node_data = client.multipartPost('alfresco', opUrl, payload=payload, files=files)
new_node_id = node_data.get('id') # Get new node id
except Conflict as err:
print("File already there! " + str(err.statusCode))
# search something
template = "%cm:title OR %cm:name OR %cm:description OR %d:content" # could be also custom properties
search_term = "<your search>" #
if workspace: # if searching from a specific workspace
search_term += " AND ANCESTOR:\"%s\"" % workspace
"query": {
"query": search_term
"include": ["properties"], # to return additional informations
"fields": ["id", "name", "content", "properties"], # to restrict the fields returned within a response
"filterQueries": [{"query": "TYPE:'cm:content'"}], # return only results of type "cm:content"
"localization": {"locales": ["fr_BE", "en_GB"]}, # useless if your are working with multiple languages
"templates": [
"name": "TEXT",
"template": template # using template for searching in some specific content/properties
search_data = client.jsonPost('search', 'search', payload=payload)
if search_data:
for entry in search_data['list']['entries']:
filename = entry['entry']['name']
node_id = entry['entry']['id']
properties = entry['entry'].get('properties')
if properties:
description = properties.get('cm:description')