SPID OIDC Conformance Test Tool for Relying Party
- Node.js v.14
clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/AgID/spid-oidc-check-rp.git
cd spid-oidc-check-rp/src
copy and edit configurations
cp -R config_sample config
create Relaying Party signing and encryption certificates
cd config && sh make_cert.sh && cd ..
create directory for database
mkdir data
configure same base path on
- src/client/src/config.json
- src/config/server.json
- src/config/op.json
compile and build the client
cd client && npm i && npm run build && cd ..
compile the server
cd server && npm i && cd ..
node server/spid-oidc-check-rp
clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/AgID/spid-oidc-check-rp.git
cd spid-oidc-check-rp
docker build -t spid-oidc-check-rp .
docker run -t -i -p 8083:8083 spid-oidc-check-rp