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Complete AI Engineering roadmap 👨‍💻 including fronted and backend of the AI models, framework, deployment using Python. This roadmap is in the developed with experience of industry experts of Pakistan and International AI Engineers 🌍. This roadmap also included AI Integration with diverse stack

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Complete Journey to become AI Engineer with Python


Learn about the YouTube's influencers scams 💀. Here is a link of the documentary to learn about the scams of the youtubers: Scams

Before you're going to do programming learn about the computer and its networks and how data is process in computers like binary representation. Here is a course link: Course

Must Learn these things before doing the programming. For AI Engineering you need to complete just 4 units.

Roadmap of python programming language.

1. Python for Beginners (1-2 weeks)

The roadmap is following

  1. Basic Syntax of python. Here is a link to learn the basic python: Click

  2. Variables and data types in python. Here is a link to learn the variables and data-types in python: Link

  3. Conditionals: Here is a link to learn the coditionals in python: Click also check the code file as well in python complete folder.

  • First exercise of python programming is here Description
  1. Loops: Go to the folder python Beginners and see different files starting from to run them and check what's happening.🤔

  2. Type Casting: Here is link to learn type casting in python and there are two types of Type Casting in python Implict and Explict. Programiz

  3. Functions: Two type of functions. built-in functions and user define functions. Here are the links of both type of functions. w3schools python_org

  4. Lists in python: Lists are just like dynamic sized arrays, declared in other languages (vector in C++ and ArrayList in Java). Lists need not be homogeneous always which makes it the most powerful tool in Python. TheNewStack or from Jerrynsh

  5. Tuples: A Tuple is a collection of Python objects separated by commas. In some ways, a tuple is similar to a list in terms of indexing, nested objects, and repetition but a tuple is immutable, unlike lists that are mutable. TheNewStack

  6. Sets: A Set is an unordered collection data type that is iterable, mutable, and has no duplicate elements. Python’s set class represents the mathematical notion of a set. W3schools or LearnPython

  7. Dictionary: In python, Dictionary is an ordered (since Py 3.7) [unordered (Py 3.6 & prior)] collection of data values, used to store data values like a map, which, unlike other Data Types that hold only a single value as an element, Dictionary holds key:value pair. Key-value is provided in the dictionary to make it more optimized. w3schools

Project Online Store management system using python beginners concept. You'll find the project description in this folder Description

2. Intermediate in Python

  1. Json: Javascript Object Notation. Go to the link to learn about the json library in python and enjoy happy learning. Here is a link to learn. w3schools or from Programiz or from RealPython

  2. Built-in modules in Python: Python Module is essentially a python script file that can contain variables, functions, and classes. Python modules help us in organizing our code and then referencing them in other classes or python scripts. DigitalOcean

  3. Custom modules in python: As our program grows bigger, it may contain many lines of code. Instead of putting everything in a single file, we can use modules to separate codes in separate files as per their functionality. This makes our code organized and easier to maintain. Programiz

  4. Python decorators: A decorator is a design pattern in Python that allows a user to add new functionality to an existing object without modifying its structure. Decorators are typically applied to functions, and they play a crucial role in enhancing or modifying the behavior of functions. DataCamp

  5. Python Iterators: An iterator is an object that contains a countable number of values. An iterator is an object that can be iterated upon, meaning that you can traverse through all the values. w3schools or Programiz

  6. Regular Expression: Regular expressions use the backslash character ('') to indicate special forms or to allow special characters to be used without invoking their special meaning. TutorialPoint

  7. Package Managers in python: Package managers allow you to manage the dependencies (external code written by you or someone else) that your project needs to work correctly.

PyPI and Pip are the most common contenders but here are some other options available as well:

  • Poetry: Poetry is a dependency management and packaging tool for Python that runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux. Poetry efficiently installs, manages, and updates packages and their dependencies. Poetry seamlessly creates, saves, loads, and switches between project environments on your local computer. PythonDocs
  • Conda: Conda is an open source package management system and environment management system that runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux. Conda quickly installs, runs and updates packages and their dependencies. Conda easily creates, saves, loads and switches between environments on your local computer. Conda
  • PyPl: PyPI, typically pronounced pie-pee-eye, is a repository containing several hundred thousand packages. These range from trivial Hello, World implementations to advanced deep learning libraries. pypl
  • Pip: The standard package manager for Python is pip. It allows you to install and manage packages that aren’t part of the Python standard library. w3schools
  • PypX: Install and Run Python Applications in Isolated Environments. GitHub

3. Data Structures in Python

  1. What is DSA? 🤷‍♂️ Learn Data Structures from different courses. Here are the links of the courses which are freely available Programiz

  2. Arrays + sorting algorithms and Linkedlist: Arrays store elements in contiguous memory locations, resulting in easily calculable addresses for the elements stored and this allows faster access to an element at a specific index. Linked lists are less rigid in their storage structure and elements are usually not stored in contiguous locations, hence they need to be stored with additional tags giving a reference to the next element. This difference in the data storage scheme decides which data structure would be more suitable for a given situation. w3schools

  3. Stacks - Queues and heaps: (stacks) Operations are performed LIFO (last in, first out), which means that the last element added will be the first one removed. A stack can be implemented using an array or a linked list. If the stack runs out of memory, it’s called a stack overflow. (Wueues) Operations are performed FIFO (first in, first out), which means that the first element added will be the first one removed. A queue can be implemented using an array. (Heap) A tree-based data structure in which the value of a parent node is ordered in a certain way with respect to the value of its child node(s). A heap can be either a min heap (the value of a parent node is less than or equal to the value of its children) or a max heap (the value of a parent node is greater than or equal to the value of its children). w3schools

4. Object Oriented Programming in Python

  • Complete OOP: If you want to learn them deeply then go to my other repository link where you see my practical implementation with all the concepts of the object oriented programming. ObjectOrientedDesign&Programming

5. Advanced in python.

  1. Python frameworks: Frameworks automate the common implementation of common solutions which gives the flexibility to the users to focus on the application logic instead of the basic routine processes. These frameworks are updated and they are synchronous + Asynchronous. TheNewStack
  • Flask: Flask is a micro web framework written in Python. It is classified as a microframework because it does not require particular tools or libraries. It has no database abstraction layer, form validation, or any other components where pre-existing third-party libraries provide common functions. Instead, it provides flexibility by requiring you to choose and integrate the best libraries for your project’s needs. flask

  • Django: Django is a free and open-source, Python-based web framework that follows the model–template–views architectural pattern. DjangoProject

  1. Testing: Pytest pytest is a mature full-featured Python testing tool that helps you write better programs. PytestDocs

Roadmap of Data Analyst 👨‍💻

Why I am adding data analysis in the AI roadmap?

Because as a AI Engineer you know about how to deal with data. How to get data from various resources and automate the entire process. AI models requires different types of data for different types of training and involvement.

What is data analyst?

A Data Analyst is a professional primarily tasked with collecting, processing, and performing statistical analysis on large datasets. They discover how data can be used to answer questions and solve problems.

What is data analysis?

Data Analysis plays a crucial role in today’s data-centric world. It involves the practice of inspecting, cleansing, transforming, and modeling data to extract valuable insights for decision-making. Here is a link to learn everything about the data analyst in AI. DataAnalyst

Roadmap of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning 🧠

  1. Linear Algebra: YouTube


Complete AI Engineering roadmap 👨‍💻 including fronted and backend of the AI models, framework, deployment using Python. This roadmap is in the developed with experience of industry experts of Pakistan and International AI Engineers 🌍. This roadmap also included AI Integration with diverse stack







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