Home of AidlabSDK repository for Unity (Android and Windows only).
You can check our website to get the answers for the most common questions related to Aidlab.
- Import unitypackage
- Create your example and call the static init method from the AidlabSDK class. When it is called, it will start scanning and trying to connect the nearest device.
- Integrate signals from the device using methods from AidlabDelegate. Example can be found in the file
in the example folder.
Directory structure
- fork of BleWinrtDll, a Bluetooth supporting library for Windows written in C++.
- Utilities for Bluetooth connectivity for AidlabSDK. The whole project was exported to unitypackage
for easy import.
- Project example.
You can find the entire tutorial with description on our blog.
If you have problems, create an issue or join our Discord channel.