Initially develop to construct a light and a MP3 player for my baby.
- Wemos D1 D2 mini.
- RGB Leds
- DFPlayerMini
- Speaker
- Buttons with resistors (Optional)
- Potentiometer (Optional)
- WebSocket (Optional)
- Allow to play MP3 tracks in multiple directories
- Allow to play an arbitrary alert
- Allow to change loop mode
- Allow to change the lights mode
- Multiple mode are provided:
- A single color
- Allow change the colors
- Gradient between 2 colors
- Allow change speed
- FadeIn / FadeOut
- Allow change the colors
- Allow change speed
- Random colors
- Allow change speed
Auto Shut down
- Stop MP3 and lights after 15 (default) minutes if enabled
Control from hardware buttons if USE_ELECTRONICS is defined
Control from a WebApp through WebSocket if USE_WIFI is defined
- Prev button
- tapped : previous track
- held : previous directory
- Play/Pause button
- tapped : switch Play/Pause
- held : switch Loop directory / Loop track
- Next button
- tapped : next track
- held : next directory
- Light button
- tapped : change light mode to next mode (off all lights before change mode)
- held : choose a random color1 for the current light mode
- Alert button
- tapped : play a random alert
- held : switch on/off the timer to stop MP3 and lights (shut down)
- Potentiometer to adjust volume
- setLightsModeColor1 : value format = r,g,b
- setLightsModeColor2 : value format = r,g,b
- setLightsModeParam : value should be an int
- nextLightsMode
- changeLightsMode : value should be an int and should be is managed by LightManager
- playPreviousTrack
- playPreviousDirectory
- switchPlayPause
- switchLoopMode
- playNextTrack
- playNextDirectory
- playRandomAlert
- setVolume : value should be an int [0, 30]
- switchShutDown
- shutDownMinutes : value should be an int
- shutDown
Base :
- Adafruit_NeoPixel
- DFRobotDFPlayerMini
With hardware buttons
- Akta3d_Potentiometer
- ButtonEvents
With WebSockets
- ESP8266WiFi
- ESPAsyncWebServer
- root
- 001
- 001.name1.mp3
- 002.name2.mp3
- ...
- 999.mp3
- 002
- 001.name1.mp3
- 002.name2.mp3
- ...
- 999.mp3
- ...
- ...
- 001.name1.mp3
- 002.name2.mp3
- ...
- 999.mp3
- 001
It's easy to add different light mode:
1- Write a new class which extend of LightType.
2- In lightManager.h
- adjust MAX_LIGHT_MODES (don't take in account LightTypeOff mode)
- add your light type in the enum lightMode
- define your light type instance in private variable
3- In lightManager.cpp
- instanciate your lightMode in constructor
- add your lights mode in the switch of LightManager::changeMode
A sample web app is available. It allow to control "all" main feature directly from a browser.
- Download last release of
- On your Arduino directory, create a new directory "Tools"
- Unzip the archive here
- Restart IDE
From Arduino IDE : Tools => ESP8266 Sketch data upload
Start aduino sketch and open a web page on http://SERVER_IP:SERVER_PORT
To developp on local you can open the index.html file in your browser. In this case you should set the Arduino server IP as gateway IP to connect to the WebSocket server.
On debug gatewayIp is stored on localStorage for next uses.
From browser menu you can install the webApp on your device. Only when index.html file is served from webverser (not from local file system)