The goal of this challenge is to create an aplication that lists, adds, edits and deletes data from DataBase using the requirements below.
Python 3
Save data in a SQLITE DB
Deploy into Heroku
Clean Architecture
SQLAlchemy for DB
SQL-Migrate to build DB
Python 3.10 (Backend)
Django 4.0 (Project)
SQLite3 (DataBase)
Heroku (Deploy)
1- Access Main Page
2- Access /list to see all data
3- Access /create to send a JSON format text to create data in data base.
{"username":"username", "name":"Full name", "description":"Random text", "expiration":10} Username = Unique, cant be duplicated
4- Access /update to update information to any item, change the 'id' for any positve integer available item.
5- Access /delete to delete information to any item, change the 'id' for any positive integer available item.
Remember, to use this view you need to use the Methods mentioned in the Main Page.
Use DELETE Method or enter the URL ex: "/delete/1" and press the RED button.
6- Access /orderby/username to order information by username.
6- Access /orderby/name to order information by name.
Django aplication. (:heavy_check_mark: done)
Data must be saved in a SQLite DataBase. (:heavy_check_mark: done)
Allow to List/Add/Edit/Delete items. (:heavy_check_mark: done)
Upload your code in a GitHub repo(Public Acess). (:heavy_check_mark: done)
Write the step-by-step on README. (:heavy_check_mark: done)
Simple code(Readable). (:heavy_check_mark: done)
Heroku deploy(Deployed Page) (:heavy_check_mark: done)