This project contains user features, item features, recommender code, recommender tuning and validating. The goal is to achieve the best HR@10 in the final evaluation which is done with seed=6789.
Project contains 5 main files:
- data (contains hotel data on which recommender is running)
- data_processing (contains 3 python files, where you can find methods meant to help manage the original data)
- evaluation_and_testing (contains 2 python files with testing and recommender evaluation)
- features (contains 2 python files, where are user and item features)
- recommenders (contains 8 python files, all are different kinds of recommenders)
There are 2 ".ipynb" files which contains code execution and they are main part of the project
The achieved result on XGBoostCBUIRecommender is HR@10 = 0.0339
Create (and activate) a new environment with Python 3.8.10
Install all the libraries with command below
pip install -r requirements.txt
Start Jupyter Notebook and open files:
- project_1_data_preparation.ipynb
- project_1_recommender_and_evaluation.ipynb
This project was based on repository, created by Piotr Zioło.