To interact with the game from the code, use 'Bot.' syntax
Each tick each bot will be given one 'Action Point' These points do not save, each bot has a max of 1 at any point in time
There are several bot 'modes', each mode has unique functions only it can do, and a bots color is equivalent to its mode
List of modes: ~ Blank: does nothing ~ Harvester: can harvest resources ~ Mobile: can move ~ Crafter: can craft ~ Builder: can change other bots program + build bots ~ Destroyer: can destroy resource nodes + pick up bots + destroy items ~ Transferer: can transfer items from bot to bot ~ Energizer: can burn coal to create energy, and distribute it
Each bot has several values, below is an example bot:
energy: 201,
x: 3,
y: 2,
mem: {},
botId: 12, //every bot has a unique id
mode: 'Mobile',
programName: 'Hello.js',
programCode: console.log('Hello World!')
inventory: [
{count: 0, type: ''},
{count: 1, type: 'iron'},
{count: 0, type: ''},
{count: 1, type: 'iron'},
{count: 0, type: ''},
{count: 1, type: 'iron'},
{count: 0, type: ''},
{count: 1, type: 'iron'},
{count: 0, type: ''},
Bots are run in the order they are created, or from smallest id to largest
The commands are as follows: (CB: Current Bot (the bot running the code)) (CM: Current Mode (the mode of the bot running the code)) (*: costs an action point) ([X]: can only run if CM is X, if CM is not X the function will return false)
setSelfMode(mode) * : ~ if mode is a valid mode, sets CM to mode ~ costs 1 energy per held item ~ returns true if mode is a valid mode
setOtherMode(dir, mode) * [Builder] : ~ sets the mode to the bot at dir to mode, if there is a bot at dir ~ returns true if there is a bot at dir
moveSelf(dir) * [Mobile] : ~ if the space is empty at dir, it will move CB 1 space ~ returns true if the move succeeds
setSelfMem(mem): ~ sets the mem of CB
setOtherMem(dir, mem): ~ sets the mem of any bot at dir ~ returns true if there is a bot at dir
getSelfInfo(): ~ returns all the info about CB (x, y, botId, mode, programName, programCode, inventory, mem)
look(dir): ~ returns all the info about the cell at dir
harvest(dir, toSlot) * [Harvester] : ~ if there is a resource at dir, and there is space in toSlot, one will be mined
moveItems(fromSlot, toSlot, maxCount): ~ tries to move items from fromSlot to toSlot, a max of maxCount items will be moved ~ returns the number of items moved
takeItems(dir, fromSlot, toSlot, maxCount) * [Transferer] : ~ tries to move items from the bot at dir's fromSlot to toSlot, a max of maxCount items will be moved ~ returns the number of items moved
giveItems(dir, fromSlot, toSlot, maxCount) * [Transferer] : ~ tries to move items from fromSlot to the bot at dir's toSlot, a max of maxCount items will be moved ~ returns the number of items moved
movePlayerControl(dir / id): ~ if the input is a string, it is treated as a dir ~ if it is a number, it is treated as an id ~ if the cell at dir is a bot, and CB has player control, then player control will be moved to the bot at dir ~ if the id is a valid id (meaning there is a bot with said id), then player control changes to bot id ~ returns true if player control was moved
isUnderPlayerControl: ~ returns true is CB is is under player control
log(text, color): ~ logs the text to the Console (not to be confused with the console)
setSelfProgram(path) * : ~ the path is relative to the playerPrograms folder ~ the path is case sensitive ~ eg: 'drones/miners/test1.js' ~ sets CB's program to the current code at path, if path is valid ~ returns true if path is valid
setOtherProgram(dir, path) * [Builder] : ~ path structure is the same as setSelfProgram's path structure ~ sets bot at dir's program to the current code at path, if path is valid ~ returns true if path is valid and there is a bot at dir
burnCoal(fromSlot, maxBurn = Infinity) * [Energizer] : ~ burns enough coal to fill up CB's energy at a ratio of 1 coal: 50 energy ~ will only burn as much coal as needed (rounding up) ~ will not burn more than maxBurn ~ returns the amount of coal burned
giveEnergy(dir, maxEnergy) * [Energizer] : ~ gives up to maxEnergy to the bot at dir ~ returns the amount of energy given
craft(recipeName, toSlot) * [Crafter] : ~ tries to craft the recipe, putting the result in toSlot ~ returns true if crafting succeeded