🔭 I’m currently working on Cloud Infrastructure, Reinforcement Learning ML Models, the importance of Software Quality Assurance (Test Driven Development, JUnit, Selenium, Cucumber), Modernized Full-stack development (ReactJS, AWS API Manager, DynamoDB, and Lambda functions), and finishing up my degree!
🌱 I’m currently learning Cloud Technologies, AWS (AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner), Azure, Google Cloud, and industry leading tools such as ArcGIS, OpenCV, ReactJS (Udemy and freelancing Zam Zam Bags and SilentPaws), Machine Leaning Specialization (Coursera), and ofcourse my courses at Carleton atm! (COMP 4900 (Reinforcement Learning), 4004 (Software Testing), 4601 (Intelligent Multi Media Systems), 3105 (Machine Learning), and a History Elective to top it off)
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Software Development (Agile Methodologies), Cloud Infrastrucure Solutions, Data science, Reinforcment Learning and Artificial Intelligence
🤝 My goals for any employment: Practical experience bringing life to software solutions and promoting my skills to accomplish exactly that.
💬 Ask me about Object oriented design (LinkedIn Certified), Full stack development, SQL, AWS (Certified Cloud Practitioner), DevOps, data structures, algorithm analysis, ML, Linux, Leetcode, Haskell, and even things I might not know! Could be a good conversation.
📫 Reach me at [email protected]
⚡ Fun fact: Play me a game in chess if you're up for a challenge. Chess.com: https://friend.chess.com/3se9s