Suite of benchmarks for testing a language implementation's suitability/performance when embedded in a larger C++ application.
- loads/runs code at runtime
- No/limited global state (this means no GIL, specifically)
- No JIT compilation. If the language has a flag to disable all JIT, that's fine.
- A well defined C/C++ api
Evaluation criteria:
- Raw language performance
- C++ API performance (this includes marshalling and so on)
- Startup times on a small codebase
- Startup times on a large codebase (will need some sort of codegen to simulate this)
- Memory usage
Non-performance criteria I hope to suss out:
- Ease of embedding
- Ability to write complex native-feeling binding layers
- Ability to generate binding layers via codegen
Things I'm interested in evaluating:
- duktape
- v8
- PUC lua 5.1
- PUC lua 5.3
- luajit
- wren
- dart
- haxe
- squirrel
- angelscript
We're using CMake as our build system. All dependencies are bundled with the application.
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
build $ cmake ..
build $ make
build $ ctest --verbose