Stand-alone encryption package to encrypt/decrypt data with AES using Crypto-JS. I made this because the existing crypto-aes smart package is broken, and I wanted a single easy to use AES package for my own purposes. This is just the CryptoJS v3.1.2 AES rollup file wrapped into a smart package.
This package does not depend on crypto-base or any other smart packages.
CryptoJS is at
$ meteor add altapp:aes
encrypted = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt('Message', 'Passphrase');
// U2FsdGVkX18Hpf311+ZPEcnB/e2rP3vSHoACIBv0Lq8=
decrypted = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(encrypted, 'Passphrase');
// Message