This is project to fulfill the challenge of MajorKey/Cohesion
This project has been created using the know architecture "CleanArchitecture" and "CQRS".
To run this project you need to install the .NET 5 sdk and one of the next IDE or Code Editor:
After installing one of the IDE you have to open the next file:
Located in the folder:
To run this project you have the option to use a Postgres database or using a in memory database.
By default the aplication will try to run using a Postgres database. In case you want to use the In Memory database
you'll have to change an option located in the appsettings.json
file wich is located in the folder ./src/RESTApi/
You'll have to change
- ASP.NET Core 5
- Entity Framework Core 5
- MediatR
- Mapster
- FluentValidation
- Docker